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What is Democracy?

The word ‘democracy» is a term that comes from Greek, and it is made up with two other words

demos= People and kratein= to govern, to rule. “Democracy” can then be literally translated by

the following terms: Government of the People or Government of the Majority. Democracy, as a

State form, is to be distinguished from monarchy, aristocracy and dictatorship.

A government comes from the people; it is exercised by the people, and for the purpose of

the people’s own interests.

Democracy, based on the rule of law, is ultimately a means to achieve international peace and

security, economic and social progress and development, and respect for human rights.

According to the United Nations Commission on Human Rights, declared the following as essential
elements of democracy:
 Respect for human rights and fundamental freedoms
 Freedom of association
 Freedom of expression and opinion
 Access to power and its exercise in accordance with the rule of law
 The holding of periodic free and fair elections by universal suffrage and by secret ballot
as the expression of the will of the people
 A pluralistic system of political parties and organizations
 The separation of powers
 The independence of the judiciary
 Transparency and accountability in public administration
 Free, independent, and pluralistic media
At the 2005 World Summit, all the world’s governments reaffirmed “that democracy is a
universal value based on the freely expressed will of people to determine their own political,
economic, social and cultural systems and their full participation in all aspects of their lives”,
Democracy deficits, weak institutions and poor governance impose persistent challenges.
The role of women in democratic processes is emphasized in the Convention on the
Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women and in the 2011 General
Assembly resolution on Women’s Political Participation.

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