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Ever since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic, computers became a vital
part of learning among students. In this research, we will discuss the
perception of students on computer literacy. First of all, what is Computer
Literacy? According to, Computer Literacy is basic,
nontechnical knowledge about computers and how to use them; such as
familiarity and experience with computers, software, and computer
systems. This is very important knowledge that all students should know
because now technology became a very important part of our learning
system, and even just the basic knowledge about computers can be a huge
help to everyone.

Why is it important to know the student’s perceptions of computer literacy?

According to,, “Having basic computer literacy skills can help the
children move onto advance skills such as programming.” Computer
Literacy can open a door of opportunities for students, they can get jobs as
soon as they graduated. In this research, we will discuss the students of
the JPI San Jose Campus’s perception of computer literacy, how it affected
them, and how it can help them in the future.

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