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1 - Sum of two integers

2- Print the messege along with values and sum

Ex - The sum of 45 & 12 = 57
3- Accept two integers from user and print the sum
Ex - The sum of 45 & 12 = 57
4- Accept the User's name, age and print in following manner
Ex - Hello Shery, you are 12 years old.
5- Accept the length and width of a rectangle. Calculate & print the area and
6- Solve Increment & decrement operator questions on
7- Accept the marks of Robert in three subjects Maths, Computer, English
respectively (each out of 100 ),
Write a program to calculate his total marks and percentage marks.
8- Write a program to accept temperature in Fahrenheit & convert into Celsius.
(Look for the formula on internet)
9- Accept the Principle amount, time & rate of interest and calculate the Simple
10- Take 3 int inputs from user and check and print the result.
all are equal
any of two are equal
( use && || )
11- Accept two numbers and print the greatest between them
12- Accept the gender from the user as char and print the respective greeting
Ex - Good Morning Sir (on the basis of gender)
13- Extend the previous program and handle the wrong inputs.
Print Good Morning sir for input m or M & Good morning Maam for input F or f
else print Wrong Input
14- Accept an integer and check whether it is an even number or odd.
15- Accept name and age from the user. Check if the user is a valid voter or not.
Vaid - Hello Shery, You are a valid voter.
Invalid - Sorry Shery, you can't cast the vote.
Part 2 - Print after how many years the user will be eligible
16- Accept the parameters and calculate the Compound Interest & print it on STDOUT
(Use Math class methods)
17- Accept the three sides of triangle and calculate the area using herons formula
18- Accept the value of a, b, c - The values in a quadratic equation and find its
19- Accept a day number between 1-7 and print the corresponding dayname.
20- Accept three numbers and print the greatest among them
21- Accept a year and check if it a leap year or not (google to find out what's a
leap year)
22.Write a program that will ask the user to enter his/her marks (out of 100).
Define a method that will display grades according to the marks entered as below:
Marks Grade
91-100 AA
81-90 AB
71-80 BB
61-70 BC
51-60 CD
41-50 DD
<=40 F

23- Shop discount - Description on Graphic

24- Bijli Bill - Description on Graphic
25- INR Denomination - Description on Graphic
26.The International Standard Book Number (ISBN) is a unique numeric book
identifier which is printed on every book.
The ISBN is based upon a 10-digit code.
The ISBN is legal if:
1 × digit1 + 2 × digit2 + 3 × digit3 + 4 × digit4 + 5 × digit5 + 6 × digit6 +
7 × digit7 + 8 × digit8 + 9 × digit9 + 10 × digit10 is divisible by 11.
Example : For an ISBN 1401601499
Sum = 1×1 + 2×4 +3×0 + 4×1 + 5×6 + 6×0 + 7×1 + 8×4 + 9×9 + 10×9 = 253 which
is divisible by 11.
Write a program to :
(i) Input the ISBN code as a 10-digit integer.
(ii) If the ISBN is not a 10-digit integer, output the message, “Illegal
ISBN” and terminate the program.
(iii) If the number is 10-digit, extract the digits of the number and compute
the sum as explained above.
If the sum is divisible by 11, output the message, “Legal ISBN”. If the
sum is not divisible by 11, output the message, “Illegal ISBN”.
27- Accept an english alphabet from user and check if it is a consonent or a vowel;
28- Accept two numbers from user and swap their values
Part 2 - Swap without using third variable
29- Accept an integer and Print hello world n times
30- Print natural number up to n.
31- Reverse for loop. Print n to 1.
32- Take a number as input and print its table
5 * 1 = 5
5 * 2 = 10 ... up to 10 terms
33- Sum up to n terms.
34- Factorial of a number
35- Print the sum of all even & odd numbers in a range seperately.
36- Print all the numbers which are either divisible by 3 or 5 in a range
37- Print all the factors of a number.
38- Print the sum of all factors of a number, 50 - 1 + 2 + 5 + 10 + 25 = 43
39- Accept a number and check if it a perfect number or not.
A number whose sum of factors(excluding number itself) = Number
Ex - 6 = 1, 2, 3 = 6
40- Seprate each digit of a number and print it on the new line
41- Sum of digits of a number, 936 = 18
42- Check if the number is Prime or not.
43- Accept a number and print its reverse
44- Accept a number and check if it is a pallindromic number (If number and its
reverse are equal)
Ex - 12321 - Rerverse - 12321
45- Accept a number and check if it is a armstrong number (Sum of cube of all
digits will be equal to origional number)
Ex - 407 = 64 + 0 + 343 = 407
153 = 1 + 125 + 27 = 153
46- Accept a number and check if it is a strong number or not (Sum of factorial of
each digit)
Ex- 145 = 1! + 4! + 5! = 145
47- Accept a number and check if it is a Harshad number
Harshad number is a number or an integer which is completely divisible by sum
of its digits.
Ex - 24 = Sum of 2+4 = 6 & 24%6 = 0
48- Automorphic number 5 = 25 = 625 = 390625
49- Print hello until user gives wrong input using do while
50- Make a choice based calculator using do while
51- Write a program to print the sum of negative numbers, sum of positive even
numbers and the sum of positive odd numbers
from a list of numbers (N) entered by the user.
The list terminates when the user enters a zero.
52- Choice based weeday
53- Question 27 using Switch
54- Choice calc using switch
55- Restuarent
56- Right Triangle - Star
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
57- Right Triangle - Number
1 2
1 2 3
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5
58- Right Triangle - Alphabet
59- Inverted Right Triangle
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
60- Mirrored Right Triangle
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
61- Mirrored Inverted Right Triangle
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
62- Triangle
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
63- Inverted Triangle
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
64- Diamond or Kite
* *
* * *
* * * *
* * * * *
* * * * * *
* * * * *
* * * *
* * *
* *
65- V - Min Height = 3
* *
* *
* *
* *
66- X
* *
* *
* *
* *
67- Hollow Rectangle
* *
* *
* *
68- Take 2 numbers as inputs and find their HCF.
69- Find the LCM of two numbers
70- Fibonacci series - 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21...
71- Generate 4 digit OTP
72- Accept size n from user and create a n size array then take n inputs into the
and finally
Print the sum of all elements in the array in the following manner
10 + 20 + 30 = 60
73- Mean of array elements.
74- Find the greatest element and print its index too.
{2, 96, 69, 77, 145, 20} = Max element = 145 found at 4 index
75- Find the smallest element and print its index too.
{2, 96, 69, 77, 145, 20} = Min element = 2 found at 0 index
76- Find the second greatest element
{2, 96, 69, 77, 145, 20} = Second greatest element = 96
77- Check if array is sorted or not.
78- Array Reverse Using Extra space
79- Array left Rotation by 1
80- Array right Rotation by 1
81- Array left rotation by K elements
82- Can you Do it in O(n) ?
83- Array rigth rotation by K elements
84- Can you Do it in O(n) ?
85- Pallindromic array - Write a program to check if elements of an array are same
or not it read from front or back
Example : arr= [2,3,15,15,3,2]
86- Array Reverse Without Using Extra space
87- Linear Search an array - If element found print the index else -1
88- Binary Search. If element found print the index else -1
89- Move all the negative elements on left side and positive elements on right side
with extra space in O(n).
90- Move all the negative elements on left side and positive elements on right side
without extra space in O(n).
91- Bubble Sort.
92- Median of Array elements
93- Strong number using methods
94- Check if a number is X or not. X is the number whole repeated sum of digits is
equal to 1
Ex- 109 = 1 + 0 + 9 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1 - Keep adding digits untill it becomes
a single digit number
95- Prime number using methods.
96- Leetcode 1929 - Concatenation of array
97- Leetcode 1920 - Build Array from Permutation
98- Leetcode 1470 - Shuffle the Array
99- Leetcode 1512 - Number of good pairs
100- Leetcode 852 - Peak Index in a Mountain Array
101- Accept a string from user and print its each character on a new line
102- Accept a string and print it in reverse order
103- Check if the string is Pallindromic or not
104- Pallindromic String using method and Two pointer algorithm (hint: Array
reverse algo)
105- Count vowels and consonents in a string
106- Toggle each alphabet of String
In - AcgDfD Output - aCGdFd
107- Accept a space seperated sentence and split in into words. Print each word on
a new line with first letter capitalized.
IN- Hello bhai kaise ho
OP- Hello
108- Extend the prev question and capitalize first & last character of each word in
the sentence and print the new sentence
Ex - Hello bhai Kaise ho a
HellO BhaI KaisE HO A
109- Accept a string and print the frequency of each character present in the
110- Leetcode 1704 - Determine if String Halves Are Alike
111- Take a string and to modify a word by bringing all the vowels in the word at
the beginning followed by the consonants.
Example : ORIGINAL becomes OIIARGNL
112- Take a sentence and check whether it has all words beginning with a capital
letter or not.
113- Check Two Strings are Anagram or Not
Anagrams words have the same word length & same character count
Examples of anagram words are arc and car, state and taste, night and thing
114- Sort the words of the sentence
115- Leetcode 202 - Happy Number
116- Leetcode 728 - Self Dividing Numbers
117- Leetcode 1342 - Number of Steps to Reduce a Number to Zero
118- A disarium number is a number in which the sum of the digits to the power of
their respective position is equal to the
number itself.
Example: 135 = 11 + 32 + 53
119- Write a program to input a number and check and print whether it is a Pronic
number or not.
(Pronic number is the number which is the product of two consecutive
Examples : 12 = 3 × 4
20 = 4 × 5
42 = 6 × 7
120- Print hello n times
121- Print natural numbers 1-n
122- Print natural numbers n-1
123- Sum of first n natural numbers
124- Factorial of a number
125- Sum of Digits of a number
126- Reverse a number
127- Fibonacci Numbers
128- GCD or HCF of two numbers
129- Check if a string is Pallindromic or not
130- Recursive Binary Search

---------------------------------------------------------- Hashing
131- Find the repeating elements in an array
132- Find the freqency of elements in an integer array
133- Leetcode 1 - Two Sum
134- Leetcode 1832 - Check if the sentence is Pangram or not.
135- Leetcode 349 - Intersection of Two Arrays
136- Leetcode 1346 - Check If N and Its Double Exist
137- Leetcode 771 - Jewels and Stones

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