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Portfolio2 UoE2 – SLAP2

The Portfolio is a self-study tool meant to complement your Use of English 2 in-class practice. It contains evidence of exercises

and tasks that you should carry out systematically during the term materials provided to this purpose in Campus Virtual.

The Portfolio is part of the Continuous Assessment mark. Therefore, its completion is mandatory. Please check Portfolio Contents



2nd submission (18/05/2022)

1. Debate 2

2. TYEP exercises
Option 1 Debate 1

You will be arguing either IN FAVOUR or AGAINST the following theme:

Should countries with shrinking populations try to increase their fertility rate?

Several countries in the world, of which Korea, Italy, Germany and Japan are prime examples, are currently facing the problem of a shrinking working-age population,

leaving the country’s leaders worried about how it will be possible to financially support citizens in their old age.

On a global level, however, the world’s population is growing and this is putting pressure on the finite resources that the planet has to offer. The current debate is whether

countries should take measures to increase their fertility rate.

The debate should last 15-20 minutes approximately, and it should be video-recorded (you can use Skype or Zoom, which allow you to record the videocall).

Please say your names at the beginning of the recording.

There should be 2 teams (one in favour and another one against the theme) and you have to follow the oral exam guidelines.

Just one member of the group has to upload the video onto the Moodle task “Portfolio 2 – submission”.

Option 2 Debate 2

You will be arguing either IN FAVOUR or AGAINST the following theme:

Should animals have the same rights as humans?

For centuries, people have relied on animals for different uses, from using them as beasts of burden, food or


Over time, our relationship with animals has changed and the effects can be seen in modern society. For example,

many companies ensure that their products are no longer tested on animals and livestock on farms are kept in more
humane conditions. There is also increase pet ownership, especially after the harsh lockdowns due to the COVID-19


The debate now is if animals should be granted the same legal rights as humans.

The debate should last 15-20 minutes approximately and it should be video-recorded (you can use Skype or Zoom, which allow you to record the videocall).

Please say your names at the beginning of the recording.

There should be 2 teams (one in favour and another one against the theme) and you have to follow the oral exam guidelines.

Just one member of the group has to upload the video onto the Moodle task “Portfolio 2 – submission”.

Teach Youself English Pronunciation – exercises

Activities based on Tips worked on from Teach Yourself English Pronunciation.

To be completed, recorded, and submitted individually.

1. Read the following two nursery rhymes, paying attention to stress and rhythm.
2. The following scene is from the famous movie Casablanca (1942). Paying attention to weak forms and old/new information, read the following

dialogue (feel free to be creative with the character’s voices).

3. Invent two sentences illustrating the difference in meaning for the following 5 sets of words. Remember that a change in stress may entail a change

in word category.






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