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Francesc Oromí Soldevila

NIU: 1563059
Academic Year: 2022/23
UoE: Advanced Oral
Ted Talk assignment

Ted Talk Self-evaluation Report

Having seen my performance in the Ted Talk presentation, I am now able to self-assess
accordingly by pointing out the strengths and; perhaps most importantly, the weaknesses
at which I should focus.

When it comes to the strong points, one may note that my intonation and pitch were
adequate throughout the talk. The former’s consistency allowed for an easier
understanding, while the variation of the latter made the speech sound much more natural.
Despite the fact that I did not know the whole text by heart, the words did not seem forced
or scripted.

Now regarding the weak points, my nerves are a factor that must not be overlooked. While
I would say I have certainly gotten better at managing them, I cannot help but get a little
nervous at the very beginning of my presentations still. There is room for improvement, to
be sure. Lastly, I believe that knowing the text a bit more would have been better to give
me more room to use body language. While I am already very comfortable using it, if I
hadn’t needed to look at the paper, I could have been much more expressive.

I would give myself a mark of 8.5 because, even though I was clear and well-paced, I
should have been less nervous and more expressive.

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