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Dapps are the decentralized apps that are run by many users on a decentralized networks on a
trustless servers. They let users to use application without depending on the server and that makes
user the sole owner of the app.

Features of Dapps :-

1. There are no central server to control.

2. They are open source, any one can see the background code.
3. Incentives, users are rewarded in cryptos.
4. There are fixed algorithms
5. It is stored cryptographically on the blockchain.

Difference between traditional apps and Decentralized apps:

Dapps Traditional Apps

Every app is a server on itself, no chance of One central server for storing the data,
malfunctioning malfunctioning is possible.
The backend of the Dapp is a Blockchain The backend and frontend is connected
through HTTP
To bring a dapp down the hacker must bring Can be brought down easily by destructing the
down each and every system on a network, host server.
that is impossible.

Advantages of Dapps:

• There is no central server head and hence it is more secure than the current client server
• The secure data of the entire database as the data is stored in the form of blockchain.
• Any change that has to be made in the data undergoes a check through every connected

Disadvantages of Dapps:

• Fixing bugs and updating Dapps is complicated.

• One person alone cannot deploy or create a dapp it need a proper team.
• The verification time of a server is a issue.

Criteria of a DAPP

To specify an app as a DApp it needs to follow some criteria and they are as follows:

• It must be an open source app.

• The application must operate on its own without any central entity working on it.
• Must be cryptographically.
• Must use a cryptographic token and also generate them automatically.

1. Financial Blockchain Application: These DAPPS manages the money and finances of the
users. The regulations is looked after by the system and the consensus protocol.

2. Semi Financial Blockchain Application: These DAPPS syncs the data on or outside the
blockchain and accordingly manages the finances on the blockchain.

3. Fully Functioning Centralized Application: These apps has the feature of Decentralised apps
and distributed blockchain networks. They are completely non financial and based on the
blockchain they use.

Functioning of a DAPP

Firstly, the app must be open source so that anyone can modify it without a central entity then the
secured data is stored on the ledgers known as data ledgers and that data can be mined using the
tokens generated which varies from data to data.

Rewarding For the DAPP Data Miners

1. Proof of work: The POW entitles the users to gain rewards on how much work is done by
the user on a particular dapp.
2. Proof of stake: The POS uses the number of transaction of tokens.

“DAPPS are the solutions of many problems and can make many things better as they are dealing
with the data of highest importance.”

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