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10 types of bandaging using triangular bandage

SCALP INJURY - The purpose of this bandage is to apply

pressure to control hemorrhage from wounds of scalp, or to
hold dressings on wounds of ear or lower scalp.

FOREHEAD INJURY - If a wound only affects the forehead,

put a square of sterile gauze pad over the wound. Then wrap a
sterile gauze bandage around the head, “sweatband” style.
Circle the head at least three times to keep the dressing
underneath in place. Cut and use adhesive tape to attach the
ends, or tie them with a firm knot.

EAR, CHEEK AND JAW INJURY - Start at the top of the

head, over the cotton wool. Pass the bandage under the neck
and up in front of the free ear – take care not to go too close to
the eye. While bandaging, the roll must be on the top of the
bandage, to ensure even tension. Pass the bandage over the top
of the head, and under the neck again.

CHEST INJURY - Tape the top and both sides of the plastic
wrapper to the casualty's chest. Leave the bottom edge
untaped to form a flutter-type valve to allow air to escape
through the chest wound, but keep air from entering the chest
wound. Remove the field dressing from the paper wrapper.

SHOULDER INJURY - Start wrapping on outside of arm just

below the point of injury and wrap a full circle around the
back of the arm to secure in place wrap up over the shoulder.
ELBOW INJURY - Just below the elbow and wrap it around
the arm twice to secure the bandage. You want it tight
enough to apply pressure but not to cut off circulation. Have
the victim bend the elbow slightly.

HAND INJURY - Just below the elbow and wrap it around

the arm twice to secure the bandage. You want it tight
enough to apply pressure but not to cut off circulation. Have
the victim bend the elbow slightly.

WRIST INJURY - Start by putting the end of the bandage on

the inside of their wrist, below the bottom of their thumb.
Wrap the bandage around their wrist, twice. Then wrap the
bandage from the inside of their wrist, diagonally across the
back of their hand up to the nail of their little finger.

ANKLE INJURY - Start by wrapping the tape twice around

the ball of your foot below the toes. Work your way up by
wrapping the bandage several times around your foot and
ankle in a figure-eight pattern. Keep the bandage taut. Finish
by wrapping the bandage twice around your lower leg, a
couple of inches above your ankle.

KNEE INJURY - Begin wrapping around the leg at mid-calf

level and circle the leg a few times wrap bandage diagonally
up behind the knee and then around the leg above the knee

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