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Islamiyat (Planner)

April 21/2
Grade 2

List of Chapters:
 Eid and Islamic Festivals
(Text book p. 26-29)

 Treating Animals Well

(Text book p. 44-46)

 Heads of Guidance and Celebrities of Islam _

The Prophets (A.S) ‫ہدایت کے سر چشمے اور‬
‫مشاہیر اسالم‬
‫انبیائے کرام علیہ السال م‬
(Text book p. 47-52)
(Handout / worksheets)

Spelling List:
Eid ul fitr qurbani celebration
sacrifice sunnah Eid ul Adha
Eid and Islamic Festivals:

cruelty trouble benefit

animals kindness forbid
Treating Animals Well:

The Prophets (A.S):

commands chosen communication
humanity messenger Khatam ul Nabiyeen

List of Questions:
Eid and Muslim festivals:
Q1. When is Eid ul fitr celebrated?
Ans. Eid ul fitr is celebrated at the end of Ramadan.
Q2. Name the two eids which Allah SWT has given us?
Ans: Eid ul fitr and Eid ul Adha.
Q3. When is Eid ul Azha celebrated?
Ans: Eid al-Adha is celebrated on the 10th of
Islamic month, Dhu al-Hijjah. 
Q4. Which Prophet (AS) sunnah is to perform?
Qurbani or sacrifice?
Ans: Prophet Ibrahim (AS).

Treating animals well:

Q: How should we treat animals?
Ans: We should treat animals kindly.
Q: Why did Allah create animals?
Ans: Allah (SWT) created animals for the benefit
of human beings.
Q: What are the saying of Prophet Muhammad (SAW)?
about treating animals?
Ans: Prophet (SAW) said do not hurt animals and be merciful
to all living things.
Q: How can we take care of pet animals in our home?
Ans: We should feed them properly and save them from
cold and hot weather.
Q: What did Allah say’s about taking care of animals?
Ans: Allah said, "Whoever is merciful even to a sparrow,
Allah will be merciful to him on the Day of Judgment.

The Prophets (AS)

Q : Who are the Prophets?
Ans: Prophets are the special people chosen by Allah to
teach His message to us.
Q: What was the message of all the Prophets?
Ans: The message of all the Prophets was the same.
They taught us: la ilaha illallah
There is no god but Allah.
Q: How many Prophets were sent by Allah?
An: Allah sent one lac twenty four thousands Prophets.
Q: What was the miracle given to Prophet Esa (A.S)
Ans: Prophets Esa (AS) was given the ability of healing for
those afflicted with an illness.
Q: Which Prophet built the Kaabah?
Ans: Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son, Ismail (AS), constructed
the Kaaba.

Date: 4th April ‘22
Day: Monday
Topic: Eid and Islamic Festivals
 Know about Muslims main celebration and festivals.
 Know the purpose of eidien or Muslim festivals.
 Learn and practice the names and occurrence of Islamic festivals.
 Sharpen their verbal skills.

Students will be given the knowledge of Muslim festivals. They will
be explained the difference of both Eids. They will be told that
Ramadan is a period of fasting, whereas Eid al-Fitr marks
the end of the
Fast and is the day when Muslims are not allowed to fast.
The students will be asked about the blessings of the
month of Ramadan.
C.W: Read page 26 and 27 of text /bk.
H.W: Reinforcement of the classwork
Watch the video about Ramadan and Eid.

Date: 6th April’22

Day: Wednesday
Topic: Eid and Muslim Festivals
 Know that eid ul Azha comes in the month of zil-Hajj.
 Know the difference between the two eids.
 Learn about the things Muslim do on the day of eid.
 Sharpen their verbal skills.
 Develop their skills of answering the questions in complete

Students will be explained eid ul fitr is celebrated at the end of
Students will be told on this day Allah SWT rewards Muslims for the
fasts and prayers they did during Ramadan.
On this day before eid prayer Muslims eat sweet or dates to follow
the sunnah of Prophet Muhammad (SAW).
Students will read the handout of ‘Eid and Muslim festivals’.
Key words will be underlined and new vocabulary will be pasted in
the notebook

C.W: Read the handout. (micro of eid)

H.W: learn the words for dictation.

Eid and Islamic Festivals:
Eid ul fitr qurbani celebration
sacrifice sunnah Eid ul Adha

Date: 8th April ’22

Day: Friday
Topic: Eid and Muslim festivals
 Know about what do Muslims do on the day of eid...
 Know that in Pakistan what other Muslim festivals are there.
 Know about the sunnahs of eid.
 Know about the importance of fitrana in Ramadan
 Sharpen their verbal skills.
 Develop their skills of answering the questions in complete
Students will be told Fitrana is the Urdu word for the Arabic
Al-fitr, which, is the special Zakat. They will be told that it is the
obligatory alms, of “Breaking the Fast” at the end of the month
of Ramadan’’. They will be told the advantages of giving zakat in
the month of Ramadan.
Then children will do dictation on the note book.
And written work on text/bk.

C.W: Write the dictation words and page 28 of text/bk.

Eid ul fitr qurbani celebration
sacrifice sunnah Eid ul Adha

H.W: Do page 29 of text/bk.

Date: 11th April’22
Day: Monday
Topic: Eid and Muslim Festivals
 Know that at the end of Ramadan is a big celebration
called “Eid ul Fitr’.
 Know that Eid is the festival of Breaking of the Fast.
 Learn that Muslims celebrate the end of fasting and
thank Allah for helping us to be strong enough to fast.
 Know that Eid ul Fitr officially begins when the first sight
of the new moon is seen in the sky.
 Sharpen their verbal skills.
Students will be explained that who do Muslims thank at the end of
Ramadan and why?
They’ll be explained that Muslim thank Allah for giving them the
strength to get through the month of Ramadan. Students will be
explained that everyone gathers to view the new moon.
Then students will do the written /wk in the note/bk.
C.W: Do the work sheet on nt/bk.
H.W: Make a list of the activity that
Muslims do on eid day.


Name: _________________ Grade2 ___ Date: ______________

Eid and Muslim Festival

I. Write the correct option:

I. When is Eid ul Fitr celebrated _____________?

a) 1st Rajab
b) 1st Shaban
c) 1st Shawal
2. Before the salah of Eid ul Fatr __________ is given:
a) Usher
b) Fitrana
c) Zakat
3. Qurbani (sacrifice) is the sunnah of______________:
a) Hazrat Adam (A.S)
b) Hazrat Nuh (A.S)
c) Hazrat Ibrahim (A.S)

II. Fill in the blanks with the help of word bank:

sunnah taqberaat qurbani

a) Muslims give ____________ on the Eid-ul-Ezha.

b) Before the prayer of Eid-ul-Fitr it is the

____________ to eat sweet or dates.

c) On the day of Eid ______________ should be

recited loudly.
Date: 13th April ‘22
Day: Wednesday
Topic: Treating animals well
 Know that animals are the creations of Allah (SWT).
 Know that we need to show kindness towards animals.
 Know about the rights of animals.
 Know that religion teaches us how to treat animals
 Develop their skills of answering the questions in complete

Students will be explained that animals are created for our benefit.
Students should be given the knowledge that our Prophet Muhammad
(SAW) forbid us to treat animals badly. Mistreating animals is sin.
Students will be told that Islam strongly ask Muslims to treat animals
with compassion and not to abuse them.

C.W: Read page 44 of text/bk.

H.W: watch the video (treating animals)
(pasting on nt/bk

Date: 15th April ’22

Day: Friday
Topic: Treating animals well
 Know about animals are created for the benefit of mankind.
 Know that we need to take care of pet animals in our homes.
 Know that we should feed animals properly.
 Know that we need to help animals according to Islam.
 Develop their skills of answering the questions in complete

Students will be explained that animals are creation of
Allah, and we should take care of our pet animals.
We should feed them properly and take care of their
comfort in our homes.
If we see them in trouble help them.
Handout will be read and discussed in the class.
C.W: Read the handout.
H.W: Do the transcription learn the dictation words.
cruelty trouble benefit
animals kindness forbidden

Date: 18th April 22

Day: Monday
Topic: Treating animals well
 Know that Allah has provided us for all manner of livestock.
 Know that animals can be used for human benefits.
 Know that you may ride on some of them and from
Some you may derive your food.
 Know about the love and care for pet animals.
 Develop their skills of answering the questions
In complete sentences.
Students will be told that Allah likes the kindness towards
animals. Students will be told that Mercy is rewarded:
Animals are like humans:
“A good deed done to an animal is like a good deed
done to a human being. They’ll be explained that an act
of cruelty to an animal is as bad as cruelty to a human
C.W: Do page 45 and 46 Q.3 of text/bk.
H.W: Do page 46 Q.4 of text/bk.


Treating well Animals

In Islam, cruelty toward an animal is considered a sin.
Islam forbids treating animals cruelly or killing them except
for food. Muhammad (SAW) often chastised his companions,
or followers, who mistreated animals and spoke to them about
mercy and kindness. Here are examples from the hadith that
instruct Muslims how to treat animals:
Mercy is rewarded: "Whoever is merciful even to a sparrow,
Allah will be merciful to him on the Day of Judgment."
Animals are like humans: “A good deed done to an animal is
like a good deed done to a human being, while an act of
cruelty to an animal is as bad as cruelty to a human being."
Animals cannot speak up for themselves: Muhammad
(SAW) once passed a camel that was so weak (thin) its back
had almost reached its stomach. He said, "Fear Allah in these
beasts who cannot speak."
Mental cruelty is also forbidden: A group of companions
was once traveling with Muhammad when he left them for a
while. During his absence, they saw a bird with its two young,
and they took the young ones from the nest. The mother bird
was circling above in the air, beating its wings in grief, when
Muhammad (SAW) came back and said,
"Who has hurt the feelings of this bird by taking its young?
return them to her."
Give rest to beasts of burden: Muhammad said, "Do not use
the backs of your animals as chairs. Allah has made them
subject to you so that by them you can reach places that you
would not otherwise be able to reach except with great
Animals can be playful, loyal, funny, affectionate and cute.
They are our pets, our friends and selfie partners. The
happiness we feel from watching all kinds of animals, from
elephants to bunnies, is a blessing rarely acknowledged,
despite how important it is in our day to day lives.
Eid and Islamic Festivals
Eid, meaning ‘celebration’ or ‘festival’, in Islam. There are two
types of Eid that Muslims celebrate as per the Prophet
Muhammad’s (PBUH) guidance: Eid ul-Fitr and Eid ul-Adha.
These are times at which Allah (SWT) rejoices in His followers
being happy and encourages joy amongst all. 
What is Eid?
Eid is the time of joyous celebration. There are two types of
Eid: Eid ul-Fitr (also called ‘small Eid’) and Eid ul-Adha (also
called ‘big Eid’, 'Qurbani Eid', ‘Bakra Eid’ or ‘Eid al-Kabir’).
When is Eid ul-Fitr? 
Eid ul-Fitr follows Ramadan ,this means Eid ul-Fitr comes before
Eid ul-Adha and therefore is the first of the Eids. 
When is Eid ul-Adha?
Eid al-Adha takes places on the 10th day of the final month of the
Islamic calendar, Dhl al-Hijjah. Qurbani is one of the holiest times
of the year for Muslims. For Qurbani to commence, Eid ul-Adha
prayers must have been observed. 
What is Eid ul-Fitr?
Eid ul-Fitr marks the end of Ramadan and lasts for one day. It is a
celebration of Allah (SWT) giving you the strength to get through
the Ramadan fast. So, how is Eid ul-Fitr celebrated? There are
several parts to the day, including: 
 Waking up early and greeting the family
 Performing Salah (prayers)
 Performing ghusl (ablution)
 Preparing clothes (often new attire) and getting ready for the
day ahead
 Sitting down for breakfast with family and friends
 Ensuring Zakat-ul-Fitr is paid prior to Eid Salah
 Performing Eid Salah in congregation
 Greeting all fellow Muslims and exchanging Elid ul-Fitr
 Visiting family and friends and celebrating
Why is Eid ul-Fitr Important?
Eid ul-Fitr is important because it follows one of the most sacred
months of all: Ramadan. Ramadan is a time for Muslims to
strengthen their bond with Allah (SWT), recite the Qur’an and
exercise great will power.
What is Eid ul-Adha?
Following the Hajj pilgrimage comes Eid ul-Adha. It is a time to
revere the devotion of the Prophet Ibrahim (AS) when he
demonstrated his obedience through his preparation to sacrifice his
son, Ismail, for Allah (SWT). Allah (SWT) spared Ismail’s (AS)
life and swapped him for a ram at the last moment before the
sacrifice, revealing that it had been a test.
This is commemorated during Eid ul-Adha in the form of Qurbani,
the sacrifice of an animal in the name of Allah (SWT). This
sacrifice is conducted immediately following the Eid Salah.
Although many of the activities undertaken during Eid ul-Fitr will
also happen during Eid ul-Adha, there are some key and important
differences. Most notable of all is the act of Qurbani which is the
sacrifice of an animal – usually a goat.

What Links Eid ul-Adha and Eid ul-Fitr?

Despite the two Eids having different meanings, both are united by
charity. Zakat is given during Eid ul-Fitr at the end of Ramadan
and is used to provide food for those who are hungry. 
Eid ul-Adha encompasses Qurbani which is the sacrifice of an
The spirit of charity is crucial to Islam.

Heads of Guidance and Celebrities of Islam

The Prophets (A.S)
Prophets or the Messengers of Allah were all chosen by Him.
They were all human beings who were sent to particular nations
and communities. The first Prophet on earth was Adam (AS). After
him many Prophets came.
Among them the most prominent prophets are Adam, Nuh(AS),
Idrees(AS), Ismael(AS), Yaqoob (AS) and Yousuf (AS) and
Muhammad (SAW) is the last prophet of Allah and with him the
religion of Islam was completed.
According to a Hadith, more than 1, 24000 prophets came to
different nations.

To reject a prophet, is to reject the one who has chosen the

Prophets (Allah), and to disobey a prophet is to disobey the one
who gave the commands.
Prophets were the people who were the means of
communication between Allah and human beings.
If we do not believe in prophets and their teachings, we
will not believe in Allah.

We have sent no apostle but that he

should be obeyed by the will of God.
Some of the prophets were given the scriptures and the books.
Quran has given the names of twenty six prophets. All the Prophets
gave the same message. It was to believe that there is no god but
Allah and has no partner.
Prophet Adam (AS) was the first man and prophet of Allah.
He is the father of all the humanity.
Prophet Nuh (AS) spread the message of Allah for over 900 years
to his people.

Prophet Ibrahim (AS) and his son, Ismail (AS), constructed the
Prophet Musa (AS) (Moses) was born in Egypt. He saved his
From the tyrant, king of Egypt Fir on (Pharaoh Of Egypt).
Allah revealed the holy book Tuhrah on Prophet Musa (AS).
Prophet Dawood (AS) was born in Palestine.The holy book
Zaboor was revealed on him.
Prophet Esa (AS) known as ‘Messiah’, has the ability when he
touched or wiped those afflicted with an illness, they would be
healed by Allah’s permission. Injeel was revealed on him.
Prophet Muhammad (SAW) is khatam ul nabiyeen the last Prophet
of Allah. He has the highest status because of the journey of
Mairaaj, He (SAW) led the prayer of all prophets.
Date: 20thApril 22
Day: Wednesday
Topic: The Prophets (AS)
 Know about Prophets of Allah and their duties.
 Know about Prophets and their contribution in Islam.
 The names of the books which were revealed on the
 Know about the message of all the Prophets.
 Sharpen their verbal skills.
Students will be given the introduction of the prophets of Islam.
How these prophets or messengers of Allah spread the knowledge to
the people. Why was it important to guide the people of that time?
Students will do the reading of the text/bk.
C.W: Reading of text/bk page 47 and 48.
H.W: Do page 51 of text/bk.

Date: 22ndApril 22
Day: Friday
Topic: The Prophets (AS)
 Know about the first and last prophet of Allah.
 Know about the miracles and qualities of these Prophets.
 Learn the titles given to the Prophets.
 Know about the consequences of rejecting God.
 Sharpen their verbal skills.
Students will be given the introduction of the prophets of Islam.
How these prophets or messengers of Allah spread the knowledge to
the people. As a Muslim it is obligatory to have strong belief in the
Prophets of Allah. Students will be
Informed of their impending (approaching/near) punishment from
Allah if they will not follow the religion.

Students will do the reading of the Handout relating the topic:

Prophets of Allah

C.W: Read the handout and do the page 49 of text/bk.

H.W: Learn the words for dictation.
commands chosen communication
humanity messenger Khatam ul Nabiyeen

Date: 25thApril 22
Day: Monday
Topic: The Prophets (AS)
 Know about what the Quran says and the core
message of all the prophets is the same.
 Know that the message of all the prophets is to worship
Allah only.
 Know what is the meaning of Tauheed and oneness of Allah.
 Sharpen their verbal skills.

Students will be told that belief in the oneness of Allah is the
very first condition of Islam. Students will be informed that
belief in the five pillars of Islam is also obligatory for all the
Muslims. Students will be told that the message of all the
Prophets was the same i.e. to worship one and only Allah.
Students will do the written /wk in note/bks.
C.W: Do the dictation words and
Q. No 4 from pg. 50 of text/bk.
H.W: Do Q. No 4 from the text/bk page 52.


Date: 27thApril 22
Day: Wednesday
Topic: The Prophets (AS)
 Know that Prophets wanted their people to
treat each other with love and affection.
 Know that In the Holy Quran, the names of
twenty-five Messengers of Allah are mentioned.
 Know briefly about the miracles and stories of the
 Sharpen their verbal skills.
Students will be briefly explained about the stories of
The Prophets. They’ll be told the beauty of our religion Islam
and the message of Allah in the larger picture is love, unity, care
and affection for each other. Students will be told that our Prophet
Muhammad’s (SAW) life is the best example to follow.
Students will do the work/sheet.
Then students will do the activity/wk on the board.

**Students will work in the groups and every group will

explain, the miracles of the Prophets along with the
brief details of that particular Prophet.

C.W: Do the work/sheet.

H.W: Revise the topic.


Name: _________________ Grade 2 ____ Date: ______________

The Prophets (AS)

I. Find the correct options :
1. Allah sent for the guidance of mankind:
a) Angels
b) Prophets and messengers
c) Jinn’s
2. The first man on earth was:
a) Prophet Dawoud (AS)
b) Prophet Esa (AS)
c) Prophet Adam (AS)

3. Which Prophet had the melodious voice:

a) Prophet Dawood (AS)
b) Prophet Ibrahim (AS)
c) Prophet Adam (AS)

II. Fill in the blanks:

a. Prophet Musa (AS) was born in


b. The Holy book Injeel was revealed on Prophet

c. Prophet Nuh (AS) preached his people for
___________________ years.


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