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Mary Kathryll Masicampo

Grade 11 – St. John Paul II

Journal Writing

God’s Grace and Me

Even if we have committed several sins, God can still help us through difficult times. Grace is the
unmerited assistance that God extends to us so that we would answer His invitation to share a
relationship with Him and receive redemption. According to the definition of Grace, it is the love and
mercy given to us by God because God desires that we have it, not necessarily because of anything we
have done to deserve it.

“You are still alive” which is adequate evidence that God's Grace is still present in us. Our conscience is
still active, which is evidence that God still communicates with us through our consciences. If, despite
our vices, we are still able to distinguish between good and wrong and opt for the former. God's grace is
still present in us. Despite our sins, we continue to enjoy God's gifts every day as well as the support of
those who still have faith in our goodwill.

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