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ANET = Ancient Near Eastern Texts to the old testament

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IGLSyr = Inscriptiones grecques et latines de la Syrie, 1929-2009

C.I.G.P = Corpus inscriptionum Graecarum Pannonicarum, Debrecen, 2001.

IGRR = Inscriptiones Graecae ad res Romans pertinentes.

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ID = Inscriptions de Delos ( 6 vol), Paris.

IGLR = Inscripțiile grecești și latine din secolele IV-XIII descoperite în România, ed

Ed.Academiei, București, 1977.

I.L.S = Inscriptiones Latinae Selectae .

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I.S.M = Inscripțiile din Scythia Minor grecești și latine, București ( toate edițiile).

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OGIS = Orientis Graeci Inscriptiones Selectae , ( 2 vol)

R.I.U = Die Romischen Inschriften Ungarns.

R.I.C.M = Recueil des inscriptions chretiennes de Macedonie du III-e au VI-e siècle.

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C) Periodice

A.E = L'Année épigraphique, Paris.

A.J.A = American Journal of Archeology.

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B.A.S.O.R = Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research

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JGRChJ = Journal of Greco-Roman Christianity and Judaism.

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J.Q.R = Jewish Qarterly Review.

J.S.J = Journal for the study of Judaism, Jerusalem.

H.T.R = Harvard Theological Review.

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Stud.Palmyr. = Uniwersytet Warszawski. Wydział Historyczny.

Katedra Archeologii Śródziemnomorskiej», vols. 1-10; Warsaw

Z.P.E = Zeitschrift fur Papyrologie un Epigraphik.

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