일반물리2 중간고사

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2021학년도 일반 및 공학물리(2) 중간고사

19시 00분 00초부터 시험 시작

20시 40분 00초부터 Zoom 퇴실 가능 (이른 퇴실 시 감점 혹은 부정행위 간주)

20시 50분 00초까지 답안지를 LearnUs에 제출 (늦은 제출시 감점/미제출)

시험지 선택방법: 자기 학번 맨끝쪽 두자리 수의 합. (합이 10이 넘을 경우, 일의 자리 수)

Ex) 학번:2021145187  8+7=15  Exam 05번

퇴실 전

1. Zoom 채팅창에 “학번_이름” (Ex: 이연세_202110000) 칠 것

2. Zoom 화면에 답안지 비출 것.

(Ex: 답안지가 총 5 페이지이면, 한 번에 한 페이지씩 총 5회에 걸쳐 답안지 모두를 비춰야 함)

마이크와 스피커는 항상 켜둘 것 (컴퓨터 스피커는 끌 것)

시험 중 자리이탈 금지 (화장실 미리 다녀올 것, 이탈 시 부정행위 간주)

PC, 핸드폰 외 일체 전자기기 사용 금지 (계산기 헤드폰 이어폰 금지)

답안지의 초점이 맞지 않을 경우, 채점 불가

질문이 있을 시, Zoom 채팅으로 감독에게 문의 (시험문제 관련 질문 금지)

계산과정을 반드시 적을 것
1 In the figure below, the resistances are     ,     ,     , and
    .   and   represent variable resistors. The ideal battery has emf = 10

Suppose that      and     .

(a) Find the current through the resistor   .
(b) How much electric power is consumed in the resistor   ?
Now, the variable resistors are adjusted so that      and     .
(c) Find the voltage drop across the resistor  
(d) How much electric power is consumed in the resistor   ?
(e) Find the equivalent resistance of the network of six resistors.

2 A small conducting spherical shell with inner radius  and outer radius 
is concentric with a larger conducting spherical shell
with inner radius  and outer radius . The larger
outer shell has total charge  , and the small inner
shell has total charge  .
(a) Calculate the electric field

 (magnitude and
direction) in terms of  and the distance  from the
common center of the two shells for (i)   ; (ii)
    ; (iii)     ; (iv)     ; (v)   . Graph
the radial component of  as a function of . (b)
What is the total charge on the (i) inner surface of the small shell; (ii) outer
surface of the small shell; (iii) inner surface of the larger shell; (iv) outer surface
of the larger shell.
3 Positive electric charge is distributed uniformly throughout the volume of
an insulating sphere with radius 3.0 m. When the volume charge density is
     , find the electric potential at a distance of 1.0 m from the center
of the sphere.
 
Assume that electric constant     ×      ∙ .

Consider parallel plate capacitors, shown in Fig. (a), (b), each with area A, distance
d, and (a) without dielectric material, (b) with dielectric material (dielectric constant
= K). We first connect capacitor (a) to a power supply (emf = V) to make fully
charged. Then, while the power supply is connected, we push the dielectric
material between the plates, (b). [ Use vacuum permittivity (electric constant) =  ]

(1) Calculate the capacitance,  and , of two capacitors.

(2) Calculate the potential difference,  and , of the capacitors.

(3) Write the magnitude of stored charge,  and  , in the capacitors.

(4) Derive the electric field,  and , of the capacitors between the plates.

(5) Calculate the stored energy,  and  , in the capacitors.

(6) And finally the energy densities,   and  .

A thin, non-conducting ring with radius R has a line charge density distribution of
   cos , where  is a constant,  is an azimuthal angle.

(a) Find the magnitude of electric field strength at the center of the ring.
(b) Find - and -components of the electric field on the axis of the ring as a
function of distance z from its center, namely       and      .

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