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Villarosa , Rona Rose R.


1. Explain what portion of episodic memory would be autobiographical?  

- For every incident in a person’s life, remember all the details, dates, places, people
involved and what happened at that moment.

2. How does Conway suggest that you could classify different sections of your life in terms
of “layers of knowledge”? 
Event-specific knowledge – Individual events in person’s life measured on time scale of
minutes or hours.
General events – events in person’s life that happen over days, weeks or months.
Lifetime periods – events in person’s life that happen in span of many years.
3. Memory errors can be caused not only by what we know, but by biases that people bring
to various situation. Give example of how the egocentric bias, the consistency bias, and
the positive-change bias can result in memory errors. 
Egocentric bias - A Person boast himself/herself and put down others.
Consistency bias – If you tell someone to hold your dog leash for a second to tie your shoe
then after you tie your shoe you told him/her to hold it for another minute cause you need
to go to the bathroom.
Positive-change bias – You are aware that everything is going according to your plan.

4. Why is knowing about categories so important for our day-to-day functioning? 

- Categorization is so important for or day to day functioning because when we see an object
we categorize it into it’s appropriate family of objects. Without categories we would have
much more trouble remembering as much as we do

5. What is the exemplar approach to categorization? How does it differ from the
prototype approach?
- The exemplar approach is very similar to the prototype approach except where the
prototype approach uses one single default member as the prototype, the exemplar
approach uses each member of the group as an exemplar and objects can be compared to
other exemplars and the more exemplars of a group the object matches the more easily and
quickly the object will be recognized, the way that the two might work together is that at
first we use prototypes, and have exceptions, and as we learn more we place the exemplar’s
more appropriately.

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