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MiniMatura Unit 4

Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/51

LISTENING 3 You should wear a comfortable

tracksuit / suit to do sports.
1 TRACK 5 Usłyszysz dwukrotnie
4 My uncle is very relaxed / generous. He
wypowiedzi czterech osób na temat
mody. Zaznacz znakiem X often gives me expensive presents.
odpowiedzi na pytania A–H w
5 Your new shirt looks very top / tight. Do
odpowiedniej kolumnie tabeli.
Uwaga: jedno zdanie zostało podane you feel comfortable in it?
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej
3 Uzupełnij minidialogi brakującymi
Speaker: 1 2 3 4 wyrazami.
dresses differently X: I think your nose is pretty.
A depending on where
Y: I hate it! It’s too wide. I’d like to have
he/she is going?
says that people a narrow nose.
B don’t like it when 1 X: Do you think her hair is
you are different?
tries to look better _______________ or natural?
than other people? Y: I’m sure it’s natural blond.
says that other
people ask him/her 2 X: Do you want to _______________
where he/she buys home when you finish school?
his/her clothes?
is upset by other Y: No, I like living with my family.
people’s comments? 3 X: When do you want to get
gets advice about
F clothes from other _______________ and start a family?
people? Y: When I’m 30, I suppose. I love being
sometimes has
negative thoughts alone!
about other people’s 4 X: What does the new student look
doesn’t follow like?
fashion at all? Y: He's tall and very good-
VOCABULARY AND GRAMMAR 5 X: Don’t you think his jokes are clever
2 Wybierz właściwą odpowiedź. and interesting?
He’s bald / well-built. He looks like an Y: No, I think they are
athlete. _______________ and boring.
1 You must cut your ponytail / fringe. It _____/5
gets into your eyes. 4 Uzupełnij zdania przymiotnikami w
2 Simon is a very shy / sociable person. stopniu wyższym lub najwyższym.

He likes meeting new people and going I think that my sister is more talented
to parties. (talented) than I am.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)
MiniMatura Unit 4
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/51

1 What's the USE OF ENGLISH

6 Która z podanych opcji A–C
(important) thing to do now?
poprawnie uzupełnia luki w obydwu
2 I'm a __________________________ zdaniach każdej pary? Zakreśl
właściwą literę.
(good) student than my best friend.
We need to C some money to buy a
3 The changing room on the second floor
new car.
is ______________________________
C water. Take a shower.
(big) than this one.
A leave B earn C save
4 I'm sure Eve is the
1 In Denmark you get your _____ licence
when you are 17.
(pretty) girl in my class.
I’m going to take 5 extra _____ lessons
5 My uncle is probably the
before the exam.
A driver’s B driving C driver
(bad) driver in the world!
2 If you want to fall _____ love, you must
go out and meet people.
5 Uzupełnij zdania odpowiednimi
formami czasownika have to. My sister and I are similar _____ looks.

You have to wear a helmet when you A with B for C in

ride a bike. It's obligatory! 3 I’m sure you’ll recognise him. He’s got

A X: dark _____ hair.

______________________________ Are you sure my nose is _____?

(you) be 18 to vote in your country? A straight B thin C curly

Y: Yes, you 4 Jeremy loves to play _____ on his

______________________________. friends.

But to become president you I’m terrible at telling _____.

______________________________ A stories B jokes C lies

be at least 35. 5 You can _____ a car when you are 17.

B I can't wear jeans to school. All the girls I want to learn to _____ when I go to
______________________________ university.

wear a blue skirt. But my brother A trim B save C drive

______________________________ _____/5

wear a shirt and a tie. He can wear

what he wants. That's not fair!

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)
MiniMatura Unit 4
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/51

7 Spośród podanych opcji wybierz tę, READING

która poprawnie uzupełnia dialog.
Wybierz opcję A, B lub C.
8 Przeczytaj tekst, z którego usunięto
X: Look at this girl in the photo. Isn’t cztery zdania. Wpisz w luki (1–4)
litery, którymi oznaczono brakujące
she pretty?
zdania (A–E), tak aby otrzymać
Y: Yes. She’s got B eyes. logiczny i spójny tekst. Uwaga:
jedno zdanie zostało podane
A green wide B beautiful green
dodatkowo i nie pasuje do żadnej
C lovely short luki.
1 X: How old _____ be to drive a car? NO TO TV SEXISM!
A do you have to B can you Do you watch the news on television? Do
C you have to you ever think: 'Why are the men middle-
Y: 18, I suppose aged and serious but the women are
2 X: When are you _____: with friends or young and attractive?' Where are all the
family? middle-aged women? The news is a
A more happy B more happier serious programme. 1
_____ When we
C happier watch the news, we want to know that the
Y: With my friends, of course! stories are true and that the people
3 X: Take a look at his new haircut. What reading the news can tell us clearly and
do you think? calmly what is happening and why.
Y: _____ So, why do TV companies only employ
A I’d like it very much. attractive, slim young women? The
B It looks perfect. answer is sexism! They look at the male
C good newsreaders and see people who are
4 X: Is it true that your cousin _____ a intelligent and serious. 2_____ The female
uniform to school? newsreaders are there for a different
A have to wear reason. The TV companies think that men
B doesn’t have to wear just want to look at them. 3_____ They also
C has to wear have to wear elegant clothes and have
Y: Yes. He wears it every day. nice hairstyles for the female viewers.
5 X: So what does his new girlfriend look This is a very old-fashioned and wrong
like? way of looking at women and their place
Y: She’s _____. in society. It tells women that, when they
A slim and pretty. B dark and curly. reach middle-age, we don’t want them. It
C a little shy also tells girls not to worry about
_____/5 studying. 4_____ That’s the best way for

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)
MiniMatura Unit 4
Group A
Name: ______________________________________ Class: ____
Total: ___/51

them to get on in life. Only we can NEW ENTRY: My best friend

change this situation. Hi everyone!
Sign your name below to show your I want to write about my best friend
opinions: I say ‘no’ to TV sexism Helen today.
Chatteris Craig Simons _______________________________
A They don’t have to be handsome or
B They have to be attractive for the male
viewers watching.
C That’s why they spend so much money
on clothes and hairstyling.
D They just need to worry about their
E It isn’t a fashion show, it’s a chance to
see what is happening in the world.

WRITING _______________________________
9 Wykonaj zadanie egzaminacyjne. _______________________________
Na blogu, który prowadzisz, chcesz
przedstawić swojego najlepszego _______________________________
kolegę lub swoją najlepszą koleżankę. _______________________________
We wpisie:
1 podaj podstawowe informacje o
swoim przyjacielu / swojej _______________________________
przyjaciółce, _______________________________
2 opisz jego/jej wygląd, _______________________________
3 wyjaśnij, jakie ubrania zwykle _______________________________
nosi on/ona w szkole, a jakie
poza szkołą, Who is your best friend?
4 opisz jego/jej osobowość. _____/10
Rozwiń swoją wypowiedź w każdym z
czterech podpunktów. Długość e-maila
powinna wynosić od 80 do 130 słów.

© Pearson Central Europe Sp. z o.o. 2019 PHOTOCOPIABLE Focus 1 SECOND EDITION (A2/A2+)

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