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Unit 3 – Writing an e-mail

Instructions: Use the following template to write your e-mail. Check the basic e-mail
netiquette rules: grammar, capitalization, spelling, and coherence of ideas. Upload your final e-
mail to the platform.

The risk of RPBI not correctly classified

Roosevelt D. Doe

Dear mr. Robert, I am sending you this email to tell you about the risks involved in not classifying
the RPBI, whether it be garbage or surgical instruments, because during my visit to your clinic you
did not divide them correctly and this could be something very serious, since one of the The
biggest problems that we face every day as MVZ are zoonotic diseases and RPBIs are a very high
source of infection, especially sharp ones. If they are not classified correctly, they can cause
serious infections, either for one individual or several, since there is a wide variety of highly
contagious zoonotic diseases and this poses a totally serious risk both for your own clinic and for
the world in general because the last thing we want for our clinics is for them to close due to lack
of hygiene

In advance I wish you a nice afternoon and thank you very much for having read me, please, if
you want help with this problem, reply to this email and we will see what we can do, either giving
talks or helping to divide, I am here to help you.

Yours faithfully, Roosevelt Benjamín de la Rosa Herrera

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