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Année Scolaire : 2022-2023


Hêvié Adovié
071 BP 313 Cotonou, Bénin
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C.D. N°2 : Réagir de façon précise et appropriée à des messages lus ou entendus
C.D. N°3 : Produire de façon appropriée des textes de types et de fonctions

Contexte : Les maladies sexuellement transmissibles constituent des dangers
potentiels qui piègent beaucoup de jeunes filles et jeunes garçons dans nos
communautés. Certaines de ces maladies sont curables. Par contre d’autres sont
incurables et infligent aux victimes de lourdes conséquences. Informer les
jeunes sur ces maladies aiderait à sauver des vies.
Millions of people around the world die from AIDS every year. No matter
where we come from, or where we go, HIV/AIDS can be around the
corner. It is up to us to protect ourselves from this disease.
Many people confuse HIV with AIDS. They think they mean the same
thing. However, they are not the same. HIV is a virus that causes AIDS.
AIDS is the final stage of an HIV infection. HIV stands for Human
Immunodeficiency Virus. When the HIV virus enters the body, the person
starts losing the ability to fight off infections because the virus attacks the
immune system of the person. As the virus grows inside the body, it makes
the immune system weaker.
AIDS stands for Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome. AIDS happens
when a person with HIV gets very sick. He/she gets many different
illnesses at the same time. They are difficult to treat. Once people have
HIV/AIDS, they will have it for the rest of their lives because there is no
cure against it.
The HIV virus lives in body fluids such as blood, semen, vaginal and anal
fluids, and breast milk. These liquids can carry the HIV virus from one
person to another. How could this happen?
Here are the ways you get HIV: Having unprotected vaginal, oral, or anal
sex with a person who has HIV (unprotected = without using a condom);
using a needle infected with HIV to inject drugs, vitamins, or to get a
tattoo; passing the virus through breast milk, from mother to the baby. The
HIV virus cannot be passed from one person to another if a person with the

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virus coughs or sneezes near you; hugs you or holds your hand; shares the
same toilet with you.
The best way to protect yourself is by practicing safe sex. Here are some
ideas: Have sex with only one person. Make sure that person has sex with
you only; limit your sex partner and use condoms every time you have sex.
If you are too young, you should observe total abstinence from sex. It’s
also recommended to avoid alcohol and drug abuse.

Adapted from: Slightly adapted from the Internet.

Tâche : Après avoir lu le texte, tu montreras que tu la compris en :

 Appréciant des informations par « true » ou « false » ;
 Complétant un tableau avec des informations du texte ;
 Répondant aux questions posées par des phrases complètes ;
 Montrant ta maîtrise de certaines structures et fonctions de la langue anglaise.

Item 1: Are the following statements “true” or “false”?

1- The immune system helps us fight infections.
2- HIV makes our immune system stronger.
3- The HIV virus can live in the blood, semen and vaginal fluids.
4- If you use a condom correctly, you will not protect yourself from HIV.

Item 2: Reproduce and complete the following table with the right
information from the text
Name Name of Three means of Two prevention
of virus disease transmission methods

? ? 1. …….. 1. ……..
2. …….. 2. ……..

Item 3: Answer these questions based on the text.

1. What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
2. What carries HIV from one person to another person?
3. Can you catch HIV if a person who is HIV positive sneezes or coughs near
Item 4: Rephrase these sentences using the prompts given:
1. If you have unprotected sex, you will catch HIV.
 Don’t ……………..; otherwise ……………
2. Stop drinking too much alcohol; otherwise you will have unprotected sex.
 If you ……………………………………………………………………..
3. Let’s not have unprotected sex.
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 We had better ………………..

Contexte : Ta camarade de classe essaie d’écrire des phrases en anglais mais ne

se retrouve pas. Elle vient solliciter ton aide. Elle a déjà les mots qu’il faut pour
écrire ses phrases. Mais ces mots doivent suivre un ordre convenable.

Tâche : Tu montreras ici ta capacité à produire des phrases en anglais en:

 Ordonnant les mots qui te sont présentés ;

 Construisant des phrases significatives et grammaticalement correctes ;
 Respectant l’orthographe et la ponctuation ;
Consigne: Reorder these words to write meaningful sentences

1. AIDS / from / friend / my / suffering / . / is

2. Testing / to / a / do / status / know / your / .
3. Use / can / condoms / girls / . / female / unwanted / to avoid / pregnancies
4. Is / HIV / which / virus / AIDS / . / causes / the
5. Is / cure / against / there / . / AIDS / no

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