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Time Management

Time management goal: I know how to set myself up for success and prioritize what needs
to get done. I know how to keep myself from getting overwhelmed from my heavy workload.

Interview questions:
- How do you know what to prioritize? What’s the most important thing?
- How do I keep myself from getting overwhelmed?
- What do I do when I have a lot of high priority tasks due at the same time?
Summary/highlights: In order to manage your time better you need a good plan of action,
write down a daily to-do list but be flexible for the urgent things that may come up. When you
have many tasks, stay calm and focus on one thing at a time. Focusing on one thing at a time
will help you accomplish the task. These strategies will help me to keep track of what needs to
be done so I don’t get easily overwhelmed.

Highlights/summary: Determining my priorities is the first step toward effective time
management. Another tip to improve your time management is to turn off your phone during
your work time and have a work space that is just for school work. The biggest thing I need to
improve on/learned from the article is not feeling bad about saying no to tasks I know I can’t
How these strategies will help me with my goal: Determining my priorities will help me
to figure out what I need to focus on and get done first. This will allow me to spend more time on
actual work and not procrastinate. Learning to say no to tasks I know I can handle and
determining my priorities will greatly help me to not get overwhelmed.

- You can’t make up time once it is spent
- You can bank money but You can’t bank time
- Give yourself 5 minutes to talk about what is upsetting you (finding the problem) and
then move into a solution.
- Failure breeds failure. Success breeds success.
- You know what your time is worth.
- If you want a simple life you need to make simple choices.
- We know what’s important to us, we just need time to be thoughtful and reflective so we
have a clear understanding of these important things.
- Give yourself a set time that you will work on a project, set a timer.
- No less than 15 minutes no more than 3 hours without a break.
- Put important objects, such as keys, phone, etc. in the same spot everyday. That will
keep you more organized and make you stop wasting precious time finding your lost
How these strategies will help me reach my goal: These strategies such as setting a
timer and determining when you need to take a break will greatly help me to not get
overwhelmed as easily with the things on my to do list. Creating a schedule and setting exact
times that I will be completing a task will help me to organize my priorities and other
assignments I have. Setting aside 5 minutes to organize myself could help improve my time
management as it would give me time to write down exactly what I need to do and how much
time it would take.

Synthesis questions/Final thoughts: Throughout this learning experience the three most
important takeaways were don’t be afraid to say no to tasks you know you can’t handle, be
flexible and know that unexpected things are going to come up, and take breaks. Taking breaks
can help me to de-stress when I start to get overwhelmed and feel ready to get back to my
work. Some things I can do right now In order to reach my time management goal is to write to
do lists with my highest priorities at the top of the list, write due dates and what needs to be
done on a calendar so I can see what I have upcoming, and take breaks when working for more
than an hour. Things I can do to work on my goal long term would be to continue to learn to say
no to tasks I know I don’t have time for or I can’t complete, know what my time is worth, and be
more flexible to unexpected tasks that come. Throughout this project I learned some things I
have heard many times, but I also learned many more new things that I think will be beneficial to
me and the growth of my time management skills.



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