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Time management skills are skills that use and control time well, helping to

allocate time to perform tasks more reasonable and complete. The better the time
management skills, the more effective the time you use.
Simply put, personal time management skills are the arrangement and division of
tasks that need to be completed in a certain time. Detailed planning will help us
optimize our performance. Depending on your purpose, you can plan your work by day,
by week or by month, year...

1.1. Why is time management necessary at work?

* Increase productivity and work efficiency
Time management will help you improve productivity and achieve high quality
work, which means that people who know how to take advantage of time will complete
tasks comfortably and on schedule.
* Minimize work pressure
In fact, time fund management is a way for you to reduce the pressure load.
Specifically, dividing and performing work scientifically according to a pre-
planned plan will help you solve all problems. Moreover, mental comfort will help
you be more effective at work.
*Quickly achieve success
If you organize your work properly, you are likely to get the job done sooner
and more accurately. At that time, you can easily a chieve success in stages. On
the contrary, people who work emotionally are often prone to failure because they
do not complete on time or neglect tasks.
*Reasonable life balance
We all have 24 hours a day to spend with ourselves, our family, our work.
Scientific time arrangement will help you balance your life properly. This means
that you can both focus on getting things done well and having enough time to relax
and take care of your loved ones and yourself.
*Repel bad habits
Why does scientific time arrangement contribute to the elimination of bad
habits? For the reason, procrastinating work not only lowers self-competence, but
also affects the overall progress of the work. Therefore, you should develop a
detailed work plan to limit bad habits!

1.2. 6 time management skills - the secret to reducing life pressure

*Write a time diary
Have you ever kept a diary every day? If not, start writing it today. Because
journaling will help you not only hone your vocabulary but also help you control
everything that is happening in your life.
Especially for time diaries every day. This is an effective time management
skill that helps you answer the question “where did my time today go? ‘What did I
do that took so long?’‘’
From there, when you re-read your time, you will know where you have wasted
time and how to balance and divide it more appropriately.
Buy a lovely notebook now to help you control your time every day.
*Make a list of things to do
Time is your resource and you have control and control over it according to
your own will. But to do that, you first need to know what jobs you are going to
use it for. This requires you to have a to-do list for each day.
Successful businessman and program star Marcus Lemonis also shared that the
secret of his time management skills is to make a list of things to beat (ie to do)
every day and do them.
Not only successful entrepreneurs but each of us, in order to best manage our
time and not to stagnate at work, should take the time every day to list the
necessary tasks (specifically the completion time) for tomorrow.
*Focus your time on important things
We often make the mistake of trying to spend time on unimportant things and
forget about our professional work. For example, you have an English assignment
tomorrow, but instead of spending time studying English, you sit down to study
It's not wrong to learn and learn new things. However, you should allocate it to
another free time.
Most time management skills lectures of CEOs at large corporations have advice
that they don't spend a lot of time working that is not really important and not
their specialty. They assign that to people with appropriate professional
competence, and then exercise their management and supervision expertise.
Spending the right time on important and professional things will help you
increase your productivity and save a lot of time.
*Spend hard work in the morning
Morning is when the mind is clear and the body is at its healthiest. Therefore,
let the tasks be difficult to solve in the morning. Because, if you leave hard work
in the afternoon or evening (when your body and brain are tired for a long day), it
will easily cause feelings of depression and frustration.
*Take advantage of free time and relax
When you hug too much work at once, you will feel very tired and work
performance will decrease significantly. Therefore, as soon as you feel that you
are overwhelmed, take time to rest.
Time management skills allow you to rest several times a day. This means that
you will break down the time it takes for yourself to relax (rest) such as going
out to a good meal or drinking water with friends.
Or you can also take advantage of the break to work. Like Daymond John - FUBU
CEO took his free time while traveling to answer emails.
Make reasonable use of your time and don't waste them. Especially take the time
to take care of yourself, because in good shape, you can do a good job.
*Make a detailed plan on the weekend
In addition to controlling your work by day out, you also need to plan your
work in detail on weekends. This will give you a better overview of a new week.
From there, it is possible to allocate other tasks to the gaps of the day.
Take the time to do this on the weekend, you will see its effect.
Mastering time management skills will give you no headache in finding the
answer ‘24 hours is enough for a full day’. Please note the above skills to
increase work efficiency, reduce life pressure and have more time for your family
than you.

1.3. Smart time management method of successful people

In fact, successful people know how to use their time properly. We can learn this
skill. Some of the time management methods used by successful people are:
*M.I.T. time management method (Most Important Tasks)
Most Important Tasks will focus on some of the most important things to do
during the day. This method will help you divide your work properly to save time.
Priority tasks should be in the Emergency & Critical group in the Eisenhower
*Eisenhower matrix time management method
The Eisenhower Matrix is a model that includes 4 criteria: Urgent and non-
urgent; Important and unimportant. You should arrange your work according to this
model to prioritize important tasks that need to be done immediately. This matrix
will support decision making and efficient use of time.
*Pomodoro method
The Pomodoro method will help you focus at work. Specifically, you will work in
a 25-minute cycle then rest for 5 minutes and repeat that process. According to
research, this will put time pressure on your attention to work. In addition, a
reasonable rest period will be useful for health and give you a feeling of
*The 2-Minute Rule method
This rule was mentioned by author David Allen in Getting Things Done. The
content of this method is that you should not delay what can be done for less than
2 minutes. Right now, try to list and do what you can do in 2 minutes!
*Batching method (Groupwork)
Batching is a method written by Tim Farris in his book ‘4 Hour Workweek’ This
method recommends teamwork for unimportant, unnecessary things.

1.4. Effective time management methods in businesses

For businesses, smart time arrangement will bring many benefits. The content below
will share reasonable methods of dividing time in the organization.
*4D rule (Do - Dump - Delegate - Defer)
The secret of the 4D rule is to tackle one job before another. The 4D method
consists of 4 elements. Specifically:
Do: Ask you to do important work right in front of your eyes.
Dump: A way to save time when giving up meaningless work.
Delegate Is to delegate work to people who do better.
Defer: Make a work list that must be delayed.
*80/20 principle (Pareto)
Overall, this principle emphasizes 80% of the results that will be generated
by 20% of contributions. Therefore, you should apply this method to determine 20%
of priority work to lead to the best results. The Pareto principle will focus on
specific tasks, so the use of time will be more effective.
*Rule 40 – 30 – 20 – 10
This is also an effective time management method as well as a reasonable
business. Applying the rule of 40 - 30 - 20 - 10, you should spend 40% of your time
doing the most important things, 30% of your time doing the second most important
things. Next, you spend 20% of your time doing the third most important things and
10% of your time doing everything combined.
1.5. What do time management skills include?
Time management skills are talked about a lot, but many people do not
understand the essence. Time management skills can be viewed as a combination of
skills including:
+ Goal setting skills.
+ Organizational and organizational skills.
+ Planning skills.
+ Management skills.
+ Control skills.
*How to manage time?
Synthesize effective time management skills.
Effective time management is not only about organizing time but also a
combination of all the above skills to effectively plan, organize and implement all

1.6. How to know effective time management or not?

Everyone has 24 hours a day, but there are people who always have time to do
what they want, while there are many people who hustle and can't get anything done
completely. The difference here is the effectiveness of time management. Poor time
management will reduce work efficiency, work quality, create unnecessary stress and
work pressure.
To find out if you are currently managing your time effectively, you can ask
yourself the following questions:
+ Do you have time to do what you like, fulfill your personal passion?
+ Do you have time to take care of yourself, take care of your friends and family?
+ How often are you in a hurry or late?
+ Do you often have to cancel outside activities, appointments, meetings for work?
+ Do you feel that the time of day is too short?
+ Are you often discouraged and impatient?
If 3⁄5 of the answer is ‘No’, you are having problems in time management and
carefully improving your time management skills to improve the quality of work and
Above is an overview of time management skills. This is an indispensable skill
for everyone, so if you want to work effectively and balanced in all aspects, you
can refer to it to improve yourself.
Understand the meaning and importance of time management through planning and
organizing work management.
Make a personal plan in accordance with defined goals and objectives. Know how to
use 3 levels in time management.
Use matrices to prioritize work. Work with a plan according to the planned work
Identify ways to overcome the causes of obstacles to completing planned tasks

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