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The Act did not prohibit the killing of endangered species or the destruction of their habitat.

The lack of legal protection for the endangered species led the Fish and Wildlife Service to
convince Congress to enact a second endanger species act called the Endangered Species
Conservation Act of 1969. This law prohibited the commercial trade of wildlife and wildlife
products, but did not prohibit the killing of endangered species.

What is known as the Endangered Species Act began in mid-1960. In order for the Fish and
Wildlife Service to expand their efforts to protect endangered species, Congress enacted the
Endangered Species Preservation Act of 1966. This Act did little more than allow a list of
endangered species to be made.

The endangered species act: science, policy, and politics. Annals of the New York Academy of
Sciences,1162(), 369-91. Defenders of Wildlife. (n.d.). Retrieved from Matsumoto, S.,
Pike, C., Turner, T., and Wan, R. (2003). Citizen’s Guide to the Endangered Species Act .

Although it is believed that we should leave nature to take its own course in determining the
fate of these species, we need to start prioritizing these species because if the endangered
species go extinct, it will cause the imbalance to the ecosystem, preservation of the
endangered animals can bring huge benefits to mankind and wild animals represent the Earth.
We should protect these endangered species because if these species go extinct, it can
imbalance the ecosystem. Firstly, the ecosystem imbalance can be a threat to the human

It is important to preserve the endangered species for our future children. Endangered species
should be our priority because we should also preserve the endangered species in order to
cure sickness. Animals and plants can bring us a lot of benefits like medicine benefits. About
forty percent of the medicine these days come from the natural compounds of different

No matter one make a crime but he/she may be driven by conditions so one could thought
they were humans if they did not did it constantly for their sake criminals deserve to be
punished. Most of the people would not hesitate to claim that those who break the law should
be punished ans]d put into prison as long as possible in case they continue to endager our lives
and property. Also, if criminals are not given any punishment they may commit crimes again
and again.

I believe the Endangered Species Act contains laws that are adequate to achieve its
conservation purpose. Laws are in place to protect species on the verge of extinction and
because of the protection from the ESA, iconic species such as bald eagles, gray wolves and
grizzly bears were able rebound and recover. Without the ESA we could potentially lose
species that are vital to our ecosystem and our existence References Bean, M.J. (2009, April).

Endangered species are native species that faces a risk of extinction in the future. For example,
animals that are already extinct like the dodo birds, platypuses that are going to be extinct and
many more. These animals are endangered due to climate changes and habitat destruction.
The term endangered species can be used in a legal or general context.

(1,332 words) References 10 Easy things you can do at home to protect endangered species,
viewed 30 June 2013, . Endangered Species Statistics, viewed 30 June 2013 . Illegal Logging,
viewed 30 June 2013 . Lauren Kurpis, 2013, Why Save the Endangered Species?, viewed 18
June 2013 . Lauren Kurpis 2013, Ways you can help endangered species, viewed 18 June 2013 .

The 1969 law led to the United States holding and international meeting in 1972 where the
Convention of International Trade in Endangered Species of Fauna and Flora (“CITES”) was
drafted. The CITES treaty only dealt with the trade of endangered species, but it brought
attention to the bigger issues that have caused their endangerment. With environmental
concern growing, both Congress and the Nixon administration were put on the task of
expanding legislation to protect endangered species.

Species Act’s regulations, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the National Oceanic and
Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service is responsible for the
protection of land animals and freshwater animals, while NOAA is responsible for all marine

Without them, we will not be living on the earth till this day. It is the humans’ fault that the
animals are endangered. Humans do illegal logging, poaching and hunting. Many species are
destroyed by these human activities. Therefore, it is the most responsible thing to do to
protect the endangered species.

In other words, species who remain in one area are bound to become extinct due to
environmental factors, while those who migrate, or move from their homeland may have a
better chance of survival. In doing so, roots become harder to trace, and changes in the species
are inevitable due to their new surroundings. Darwin also believes that the world has had
more groups of species than we will ever be able to uncover in our lifetime, so we will never
truly know all that walked or lived on the Earth.

In a general context, it means species that are facing extinction but it is not protected by the
law. When used in a legal context, it refers to a species that is protected by the law
(Klappenbach 2013). According to the World Wildlife Fund, there are 801 animals that are
already extinct and 3,789 number of animals that are critically endangered.

In “The Origin of Species”, Charles Darwin painstakingly explores the different character traits
exhibited among species. He looks at natural selection as a way of explaining extinction and
adaptation and tries to prove evolution as the main theory of human origin. He states, “this
whole volume is one long argument” (362), and that is exactly what this book is.

(Matsumoto, 2003) In Texas, endangered plants and animals are protected under the authority
of State law through the Texas Parks and Wildlife and/or under federal law with the
Endangered Species Act. Animals that are in trouble throughout its range, which may cover
several states, are listed federally and are protected by the Endangered Species Act. (TPW,

The fact is, we have already lost the majority of the large animals in Texas, but with the
Landowner Incentive Program , Texas Parks and Wildlife gives grants to landowners to
encourage the protection of state and federally listed species. There are many benefits to the
Endangered Species Act. The ESA has protected the bald eagle, the California condor, and the
Florida manatee, among others.

It is very important to prioritize the endangered species because if they are not protected, our
ecosystem will be imbalance, they provide us with medicinal benefits and they represent our
Earth. There are many ways to protect the endangered species. If we cannot donate any
money to protect them, we can also protect them by doing little things at home.

For example, we can learn about endangered species in our area. We should teach our friends
and family about the wildlife that live near us. [Original source:]

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