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22.First 2016 U.S. Presidential Debate: Clinton vs.


Achieving Prosperity
Achieving. Logrado

Bring. Traer

Thought. Pensamiento

quite a bit. Absolutamente, bastante.

Debt. Deuda

broad base. Base amplia

Boost. Impulsar

Growth. Crecimiento

The jobs on Michigan are leaving, and the government need give incentive for this companies. Talked in
help to young people with incentive, refinance, etc.

But when spoke Clinton, I listened some obvious repetitions and generalities. If somebody wants to help
with the poverty, first, give work and good payment. But, Where are this Jobs?. I thinks, Trump is right.

23. Donald Trump. Cleveland, Ohio July 21, 2016

Threaten. Amenazar

came to an end. Llego a un final

laid. Establecido

laid off. Despedido

crushed. Aplastado.

Unfair. Injusto.

Forgotten. Olvidado

Endorses. Respalda

He spoke reference to national security, pace, jobs, and great American again.

The focus is to loss of jobs, gangs, law, order, illegal immigrations, system. Because he, know the system
an they can fix.

The illegal immigrations is a topic very important, because, the us people, don’t like other people. They
like only the people who born in united States , with family of lived in united State
24. Manage Information
Deal. Acuerdo

Kind. Tipo

Arrange. Arreglar

up to date. A hoy

Throw. Lanzar

First step is. Structure our system in categories and then divide into sub-categories.

Second step. Create files for each kind of material.

Third step. Arrange the files for easy access.

Four step. Keep the filing system up to date

25 Polite or Impolite
Impolite. Descortes

Politeness. Cortesia.

Meet. Reunir

Hierarchy. Jerarquía.

Might. Podría.

Willing. Dispuesto.

Polite is use more in many cultures. Polite is when thinking in the feeling about other people.

We are usually more polite when need help for whethever, because, we are polite and when us this
form peoples are more willings to work with us.

26. Sydney.
easy going. Tranquila.

go out. Salir

The people in Sydney is easy going, is friendly and relaxed. Is very import for they, start meeting on
time. Speak with they aren’t difficult. But when spoke by sport is very easy.
27. London
Early. Temprano
Hate. Odio
Hurry. Apuro
Quite. Bastante
Nowadays. Hoy en día.
Suits. Trajes
Pub. Cantinas.
The london’s people don’t like work early. Pooples always have hurry. They hate to be late.
British are very formal. Lunch is often only sandwich and coffe. After work, they like to go at

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