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Which do you believe is more important – individual freedom or the general welfare of
2. In what situation can freedom be “abused”? In those cases, would it be acceptable to
restrict those freedom?
3. How can we use our free will to ensure that actions are morally responsible?
1.For me individual freedom,society is a collection of a lot different people types. All of us have freedom
unique in our own way.Making a common order to general welfare is impossible because even if some
people feel peaceful with that policy, others are going to deny to follow it. The real general welfare
happens if we let people be who they are and give them freedom to live their life as they wish to live. As a
result, freedom may create general welfare on its own but only focusing on the general welfare of society
2.For some instances freedom can abused by freedom of speech is one of abuse freedom, it can cause
extent of profanity and nudity but people remain silent about it.People are given right to express ourselves
like opinions.In this era we need to enlighten ourselves and be remindend of self-control and respect the
others opinion. 3.There is no moral responsibility without free will if moral responsibility exists, then
someone is morally responsible for anything he has done or left undone to be morally responsible for
some act or failure.I will think first before to do a action and do a good will,I will not abuse my freedom as
a person and society

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