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Gideon Waters

Technology Commissioner

13 December 2022

November/December ASB Report

These past two months Spencer and I have been very busy, even with our major hiccups

in getting our new mac. As of now we have the Mac, finally, however there are some major

setbacks that need to be figured out in order for us to use it. The biggest problem is that we can’t

log into the computer on any network other than academic and academic guests. We are almost

finished with filming the positions video however we really can’t start work on editing it until we

get this figured out. We’ve been reaching out as much as we can but have had an extremely

difficult time getting the IT department to come help us out. We went to Mr Derrick for help as

we heard he had the passwords to unlock some of these things but unfortunately he couldn’t do

anything as it is controlled by the country and not specifically just Ripon High. Despite all of

these issues Spencer and I have been recording various winter sports and other activities. We

filmed and finished the my intent project (on the old Mac). And got that pushed to teachers to

play during advisory. We also helped with the yearbook rally by making the senior superlatives

playlist and playing various videos on the projector.

I am currently not on any standing committees

I was on the special door decorating committee, we went around campus and wrapped

door in wrapping paper. We also left little personalized bows based on the teachers interests or

My mentor is Katie Rhoades and despite not being present in class often, has been a good

mentor. We have both stepped up our games on turning things in and making sure we are doing

things right. Since we both can share confusion on if we are doing things right it makes it easier

to ask each other questions and get help on things.

My concern for this program as of right now is a lack of support. Many different things

have been happening for different positions and I feel that as a class we could be better about

checking in with one another to make sure everything is going good and to offer help to one


A positive comment about someone in class is Kade Nelson. He has matured into a very

kind and responsible person. He goes out of his way to be friendly to all in leadership and at this

school. He does a great job making everyone feel welcome

One change I’d like to see is classes bonding more. I feel that although we should be

friends with everyone in leadership, we should see stronger bonds in our classes which I feel we

don’t have.

An impact I have been trying to make on campus is to inspire others to have a good day.

Even in my classes that I dislike I strive to have a very positive attitude to help my classmates

see that having a good attitude about a subject or class can make a world of difference. Positive

attitudes are what turn bad days into good ones.

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