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Gideon Waters

Technology Commissioner

21 March 2024

Feb/March ASB Report

Over this bit of time Technology has really been slapped in the face by a fish. We know

we have to be on that grind and hope for no more problems. If anything like that happens again I

seriously doubt we’ll be able to have an end of the year video. But on a more positive note we

got everything planned out for who's doing what. It was good to separate parts a bit more so

everyone is able to do something, this helps our timeline of getting the video done a lot more.

Other than that we’ve been doing the usual of recording and helping out where tech needs to be.

I am currently not on any standing committees.

The technology department is now on a special committee for the end of the year Dance

(DJing). As for myself I was on my own challenge committee and came up with our idea for gift

to the community.

My mentor partner Ricky and I are doing great. I felt bad for having to make a hard

choice on him for water wars but other than that things have been smooth and he took it

professionally. On the work side of things this guy gets things done. I had trouble

communicating what each of us were doing for our mentor project while I was at science camp.

When I got back I was so pleased to see he went above and beyond.

My concern for this program is lack of accountability. Im not even trying to sound corny

because of our talk on it but we really need to all work on getting our work done as a whole. For
me personally its getting the little things like in class assignments done as I’m starting to fall of

my grind for that. This program will only function if we do our work.

A positive comment about someone in class is Claire Morris. Sometimes she bothers me

because she always does her work and gets things done. She really makes the rest of us look bad

but you gotta give credit where credits do, she’s got her shit together.

One change I’d like to see is others motivating each other to keep up with our work in

class. It’s very easy to have a chit chat with friends during leadership. We could refocus this

energy into something positive by encouraging our peers to have fun but make sure work is

getting done.

A core principle I’ve been trying to live by is to evolve and grow with change. I’m

changing my style in many different ways. I'm finding out how I really like to dress, how I like

to get my work done, and how I like to take care of my mental health. If something isn’t working

for me I like to input change in order to best suit my needs.

An impact I have been trying to make on campus is going more out of my way to be nice

to people and say hi to others. It makes the day go by quicker when it’s filled with positivity.

With senioritis killing our whole class right now, quicker days can make a world of difference.

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