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Gideon Waters

Technology Commissioner

25 September 2023

August ASB Report

The past month for the technology department has been a bit more chaotic. We are pretty

on track for filming sports. I have been recording volleyball and Spencer has gotten into football.

Spencer and I are unable to record water polo and golf with our schedules and we have asked but

received no help for filming in regards to those sports. We have set up the filming area for the

gratitude project and began filming for it.

I am currently not on any standing committees.

The technology department is on the homecoming coronation committee. We are having

a morning before school meeting this friday. The four of us are expecting to do the same thing

we normally do. This means we pretty much are playing music and recording everything.

My mentor partner Ricky is quite fun. Having your partner be someone you spend a lot of

time with in your sport is both a blessing and a curse. We got some great looking goals out of

each other. He also blessed me by sharing his scrunch socks so I looked drip at the game on


My concern for this program is communication. As things ramp with all things

homecoming, we all could be a bit better about staying on top of our game. There are many

deadlines and things we need to attend to. With all of us having busy lifes, communication on

what's going on and telling people what we can and can’t do is crucial.
A positive comment about someone in class is Ava B. We have a very difficult senior

class to deal with. It’s very hard to get them to dress up or participate in homecoming activities.

She's been awesome about reminding us to dress up and taking charge with lip sync and its

looking great.

One change I’d like to see is more communication in regards to asking for help. With

newcomers and underclassmen being the majority of students in class, it might be hard to know

what's going on or what we need to do. Asking for help is important to ensure things are done

right the first time.

A core principle I’ve been trying to live by is to evolve and grow with change. Not every

year is the same academically and socially. I try to accept change as soon as possible so I can

continue on my path of growth.

An impact I have been trying to make on campus is saying 5 nice things to people per

day. Going out of my way to be kind boosts my mood as well as those I encounter.

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