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Teacher: Leslie Capellán Sunday, November 13, 2022

Spelling/Vocabulary List

Second Grade Championship List 2022

1. clothe
Sentence: The mom will clothe the baby in pajamas.
Definition: dress or put garments on

2. compute
Sentence: Accountants use math to compute numbers.
Definition: determine using mathematics

3. grid
Sentence: The lines of the grid crisscrossed the map.
Definition: lines crossing each other at right angles

4. happen
Sentence: We waited to see what would happen next.
Definition: to take place or occur

5. however
Sentence: The tie is expensive; however, it is worth it.
Definition: on the other hand

6. inches
Sentence: There are twelve inches in a foot.
Definition: units used to measure length

7. learn
Sentence: I will learn how to write at school.
Definition: to gain knowledge of

8. level
Sentence: He moved to a new level in the video game.
Definition: a relative position or rank

9. light
Sentence: The sunrise brings the light of day.
Definition: a type of energy that makes things visible

10. magic
Sentence: The wizard used his wand to do magic.
Definition: the seeming display of supernatural power

11. making
Sentence: Our unfinished house is still in the making.
Definition: the process or act of creating or building

12. packages
Sentence: His order was delivered in several packages.
Definition: boxes or bags, containers

13. planet
Sentence: Our planet revolves around the sun.
Definition: large object that revolves around the sun

14. pocket
Sentence: I keep my keys in the pocket of my pants.
Definition: sewn pouch for holding or carrying

15. replay
Sentence: I replay my favorite movie over and over.
Definition: to show something again or to do over

16. safety
Sentence: Wear a seat belt in the car for safety.
Definition: the condition of being free from danger

17. shinning
Sentence: The boy is shinning up the palm tree.
Definition: climbing with hands and feet

18. site
Sentence: We chose the site, or location, for a picnic.
Definition: location of a structure or event
19. skating
Sentence: They are ice skating at the rink.
Definition: moving on boots with blades or wheels

20. sounded
Sentence: His voice sounded loud in the quiet room.
Definition: gave off noise, signaled

21. subtraction
Sentence: We use subtraction to solve five minus two.
Definition: the process of reducing a number by another number

22. traffic
Sentence: Our car got stuck in traffic on the highway.
Definition: objects or information traveling together

23. unbutton
Sentence: Unbutton your shirt cuffs and roll them up.
Definition: unfasten the small knobs or discs on clothing

24. whole
Sentence: I ate the whole pizza by myself.
Definition: complete or entire

25. yourself
Sentence: If you look, you can see for yourself.
Definition: referring to you, the person being addressed

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