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Teacher: Leslie Capellán Sunday, November 13, 2022

Spelling/Vocabulary List

Sixth Grade Championship List 2022

1. hieroglyphics
Sentence: Hieroglyphics is a form of writing using symbols.
Definition: writing using symbols, usually in ancient Egypt

2. sarcophagus
Sentence: A sarcophagus is a coffin carved from stone.
Definition: a stone coffin, often elaborately decorated

3. bureaucracy
Sentence: A bureaucracy is an administrative structure.
Definition: a complex system of managing an organization

4. seismoscope
Sentence: An earthquake can be detected by a seismoscope.
Definition: an instrument for recording only the time or fact of occurrence of

5. acupuncture
Sentence: Needles from acupuncture alleviated my pain.
Definition: pain management technique of inserting needles

6. succulent
Sentence: Succulent melon is a perfect summer dessert.
Definition: deliciously juicy; mouthwatering

7. symbiosis
Sentence: In symbiosis, both living things benefit.
Definition: beneficial interaction between living things

8. troposphere
Sentence: Most of earth's air is in the troposphere.
Definition: lowest part of the planet's layer of gases
9. paleontologist
Sentence: A paleontologist found fossils at a dig.
Definition: scientist who studies ancient life forms

10. pharynx
Sentence: The pharynx connects the mouth and esophagus.
Definition: tube from back of mouth to esophagus

11. oscilloscope
Sentence: The oscilloscope showed the electrical wave.
Definition: device to show electric current or voltage

12. electrocardiograph
Sentence: His electrocardiograph showed malfunction in his heart.
Definition: A line graph that shows changes in the electrical activity of the heart over

13. anemometer
Sentence: My anemometer measures the speed of wind.
Definition: an instrument that measures wind speed

14. mineralogist
Sentence: My cousin is a mineralogist in Egypt.
Definition: someone who studies minerals

15. parasitism
Sentence: Fleas display parasitism when they harm dogs.
Definition: relationship that benefits one but harms another

16. coniferous
Sentence: Coniferous trees are cone-bearing evergreens.
Definition: describing evergreen trees that bear cones

17. homographs
Sentence: I like to paint my nails, I used a nail to hang the painting, the words nail
are homographs.
Definition: each of two or more words spelled the same but not necessarily
pronounced the same and having different meanings and origins
18. periodicals
Sentence: I subscribe to periodicals, including journals.
Definition: regularly published publications

19. archeology
Sentence: The archeology wing has many ancient artifacts.
Definition: study of past cultures through found artifacts

20. testimonial
Sentence: In his testimonial he praised his mentor.
Definition: presentation made to praise or recommend

21. prepositional
Sentence: Above is a prepositional word.
Definition: expresses a relation to another word or element

22. encyclopedia
Sentence: The library's encyclopedia set has 24 volumes.
Definition: a comprehensive set of reference books

23. apostrophe
Sentence: An apostrophe turned "will not" into"won't".
Definition: punctuation for contractions and possessives

24. bibliography
Sentence: My paper's bibliography cites its sources.
Definition: list of works cited in a text

25. aqueduct
Sentence: The aqueduct carried water to the crops.
Definition: a channel that carries water

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