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Problem: Small business owners and bloggers Need Content for websites,
blogs & social media accounts but don't have the time and/or the skills to
create it themselves. Why This Problem? In today’s digital world,
customers first interact with companies through their content on the
company’s different online channels. So, companies need a content
strategy that speaks to the heart of their audience, combined with quality
content across all channels. Google and other search engines value content
that is accurate, unique, and easy for readers to understand. It must be
high-quality and needs to have the right amount of long and short tail
keywords, it needs to have the right meta tags, slugs, and the right calls to
action. That’s where we can help. We can create high quality content for
our client’s specific audience, that contains all of the necessary SEO
elements to help them build a strong online presence. We can also save
our clients time, allowing them to spend more time on the business their
running and less time creating content. Other ideas Considered: In
addition to the content marketing business idea, we also considered
creating a t-shirt printing business or a consulting business.

Ideas: Why we settled on this business idea:

Where did the idea come from?

In what context during idea generation did it come up?

What are the essential attributes of the idea?

+5Why is it “good”? Why this one over the others?

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