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Contract and Dispute Settlement in Construction Industry Conference

On January 10th 2020 at Ho Chi Minh City University of Technologies, CNC Counsel is honored to a
be golden sponsor and attended the “Contract and Dispute Settlement in Construction Industry”
Conference. The conference was held by The Vietnam Society of Construction Law (SCLVN) and achieved
great success

What make the conference successful?

With many prestige name in the construction industry both inside and outside Vietnam such as:
The Vietnam Society of Construction Law, Vietnam Precision Mechanical, Service and Trading Co., Ltd
(VPMS), NEC User’s Group, Mark Olive Consultants Company Limited (MOAC), Pinsent Masons LLP, VIAC
Arbitration Centre, Accura Consulting,… acting as the speakers for the conference, the conference has
attracted nearly 200 participants.

On another note, CNC would like to express our thanks to Ho Chi Minh City University of
Technologies, especially the Construction Technologies Faculty for the organization of the program and the
adventageous arrangements to ensure the program’s success

The informative knowledge regarding contract and dispute settlement in construction industry brought
by the Conference

Over the course of the program, the speakers had shared knowlegde, information and their
opinions on Construction contract as well as dispute settlement in construction industry, including:

Thực tiễn áp dụng mẫu Hợp đồng EPC Practical applications of EPC Contract
Giới thiệu về Hợp đồng NEC4 Introducing NEC4 Contract
Công tác chuẩn bị và thủ tục khiếu nại Preparation and Appeal Procedures
Quy trình phân tích chậm trễ Process of “delay” analysis
Thủ tục khiếu nại: Gia hạn tiến độ, ước tính thiệt Appeal Procedure: Extension of time, damages
hại, hình phạt,… estimation, penalties,…
Thi hành quyết định của Ban giải quyết tranh chấp Dispute Adjudication Board (DAB) Decision
(DAB) Enforcement

At the Conference, Mr. Le The Hung, on behalf of CNC had participated as a co-speakers and made
a speak on the topic of Pre-determined Compensation and Penalty in Construction Contract

Specifically, Mr. Le The Hung has illustrated the strength of CNC in construction contract as of

Quy định của pháp luật về phạt và bồi thường ấn Legal Provisions on penalty and predetermined
định trước compensation
Các cấp độ khác nhau trong việc áp dụng quy định Levels of penalty clause application
về phạt
Hệ quả của việc áp dụng các quy định vè phạt Consequence of applicating penalty clauses
Bồi thường ấn định trước chưa được kiểm chứng Unverified predetermined Compensation
Giải pháp đề ra Recommended Solution
For more detailed information on Predetermined Compensation within Contract Law, please visit:

This is not only a conference for CNC to share about Predetermined Compensation and Penalty in
Construction Contract, but also an opportunity for CNC to learn from and exchange with other experts in
the construction industry. Thereby proclaiming CNC’s position within the rank of legal counsellors in general
and construction litigation in particular as well as CNC’s other fortes

CNC is pleased to be a sponsor, which allow CNC to accompany, support and contribute to the
success of this conference. Through this conference, CNC is honored for more opportunities to collaborate
with The Vietnam Society of Construction Law as well as other organizations in future events.

Other images of the Conference

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