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1 Significant shaping operations, management, and marketing

In all well know business organization structure. Some departments has become most important key
to the well performance and success. Operation management is the heart of all organization has
become one of those roles, that has the commitment in managing the resource, and providing
services and product. Every single organization that provides services or products must have an
operation function. The role of the operation management can be varied some of them are capacity
planning (capacity to determinate in specific period what type of products and services the
company can sell). Inventory management (the storage and control of the inventory also the
production system. Store and distribute the goods or services for sale).Product design: (design
product or services that gives the company competitive into the market).quality control:( monitoring
the company products or services in order to ensure the quality ,for the satisfaction of the
customer).service design: (the interaction that the company have with the customers and service
provider. Also design a strategy how to meet the customers’ needs and attract them).marketing
management is an organizational function (American marketing association) that helps the business
in communicate and transmit to the customers the value of the company ,and managing the
relationship with the customers for the benefit of the organization. Market management also have
the duties to set a goal for the organization ,considering the opportunity in the market by using
internal resources.

1.2 Influential factors shaping operation, management, and marketing

In an organization or business, the operation management its essential. Some Influential
factors in shaping the operation management and marketing can be affected from both
internal and external. Some of the internal factor are: corporate objective (operation
objective and corporate objective shouldn’t never be in conflict). Finance (the operation
decision sometimes are important investments, and financial availability of the business
can affect the choices). Human resources (in a business one of the key are the quality of
workforce, that’s why company shouldn’t cut budget on the workforce training but rather
investing on them). Marketing issue (the operational its determinate by the product. if the
marketing change in particular products changes can be a cause of issue particularly if the
production operation is quite inflexible). There are as well some external factors that can
influencing the operation of the organization for example: economic environment it’s very
important for the operation. chances in productivity demand; adjustments in interested rate
that can have an impact on the operation investments. Competitor efficiency flexibility, the
ability to move quick and match the better quality of the competitors. Technological change;
in a market where innovation is prevalent, products have short life, and production are
expensive. Legal and environmental change; new environment legislation and regulation,
can be a challenging for the operation.
Research skills and tools

Now days in many organizations, one of the main factors there looking for in new
employees is the research skills value. Research skills that a very common in different jobs
are: solving problems ,time management and attention for details. A good research skill
person is the one that have the capacity to value useful data on certain topic. One on the
main point on research is that to found as many sources as possible for the same topic, so to
have the certainty. Researcher that they can use new technology they have better and
faster understanding of the market and business. now days business organization they are
using many different type of tools researchers. Some common research tools are:1) market
data website; used mostly to found out about their target market and statistic .2)social
media monitoring ; is the tool where easily you can observe how it’s your target market ,
extracting a useful information to make decision on strategies and marketing to increase
sales.3) survey . its useful to collect feedback from customers and learn more about their
needed in different geographic areas. 4)competitive intelligence tools. its useful to keep
track on companies competition, so they can have a wide understanding where to
improve and how they can be the best in their market. There many others must be said.
but those listed above are most common.
Interpretation of information for business performance
2.2 information of business research 

The information is usually used for research of measurement for performance of employees or
business. Usually, the companies have crucial issue with employees because of the poor
opportunities and lack of motivation. Employees are the most important asset in a business and they
can lead to negative impact for the firm .For keeping a business grow the business need to know
how to change or demand customer needs .Not researching for business market can lead the firm to
failure as they won’t know the market evaluation .Researching for the business market can help
company's keeping they're growth as they will know what people demand and how to attract
them. Poor decision can lead in failure Hiring the wrong employees can lead to loss of business or
decrease in profits an analysis of managerial practice shows that corporation use both types of
employee performance evaluation at the same time. Those procedures are carried out aimed at
evaluating both work result and the personal business qualities of employees that affect the
achievement of these results the marketing research process begins with the discovery or
identification of the theme that will impose activity. This requires research activity that may be a
problem to decisions makers. a market opportunity or a market requirements a correct defined
problem or theme is considered to correctly defined problem or theme is considered to be a half
solved problem or theme , only in this way can research direction of objective and research objective
be established.

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