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Stop working (Machine)

2. Perform an experiment
3. Succeed
4. Develop or make progress
5. Think of (an idea, plan)
6. Stoop the supply of something
7. Discover information
8. Produce something such as heat or a smell
9. Reduce the number of possibilities
10. Connect to the electricity supply
11. Connect by phone
12. Change into something different
13. Stop a Machine working
14. Find the solution to a problem
15. Start discussing a subject (MENCIONAR/SACAR UN TEMA)
16. Start to be broadcast
17. Be published
18. Add information in the spaces on a document (RELLENAR FORMULARIO)
19. Turn and look at the pages of a magazine, etc quickly
20. Deal with something in detail
21. Give things to people in a group
22. Try to find information in a book or list
23. Pretend that something is true / see hear or understand somebody or something with
24. Invent an explanation, excuse / create a story poem
25. Suggest
26. Recognise that something is not true and not be tricked by it
27. Be easy to see because of being different (DESTACAR/ DESPUNTAR )
28. Turn a page so that the other side is towards you (PASAR DE PAGINA)

1. Stop working (Machine) BREAK DOWN

3. Succeed COME OFF
4. Develop or make progress COME ON (VAMOS! / AVANZAR /SUMARSE)
5. Think of (an idea, plan) COME UP WITH (OCURRIRSE)
6. Stop the supply of something CUT OFF
7. Discover information FIND OUT
8. Produce something such as heat or a smell GIVE OFF
9. Reduce the number of possibilities NARROW DOWN (LIMITAR /ACOTAR /RESTRINGIR)
10. Connect to the electricity supply PLUG IN
11. Connect by phone PUT THROUGH (TO SOMEONE)
12. Change into something different TURN INTO
13. Stop a machine working TURN OFF
14. Find the solution to a problem FIGURE OUT / FIND OUT / WORK OUT

15. Start discussing a subject (SACAR UN TEMA DE CONVERSACION / COMENTAR ALGO)

16. Start to be broadcast
17. Be published COME OUT
18. Add information in the spaces on a document
19. Turn and look at the pages of a magazine, etc quickly
20. Deal with something in detail
21. Give things to people in a group
22. Try to find information in a book or list LOOK UP
23. Pretend that something is true / see hear or understand somebody or something with
24. Invent an explanation, excuse / create a story poem MAKE UP
25. Suggest
26. Recognise that something is not true and not be tricked by it
27. Be easy to see because of being different
28. Turn a page so that the other side is towards you

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