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Independent Reading Task

Duncan Reinhart


Activity 1

1. The background information is important because the author is a japanese dude who went to
toronto for study, at there he met the girl whom he liked
2. While he was studying he met Jem, and she wanted to study make Japanese friends. He fell in
love in first sight too.
3. They became closer with each other, and the author decided to invite her to a dinner. They had
a fun dinner and he enjoyed it.
4. When he was watching a football game he met Jem with another student, Jem introduced the
student to him. The student was actually her boyfriend.
5. He learned that life is filled with good & bad memories and its important to remember the good

Activity 2

1. Shocking statement
2. A good hook can result in readers having more interest in reading

1. When i was a kid, i almost got lost in the forest.

2. Tunjungan Plaza is one of the biggest mall in indonesia.
3. Grizzly bears can run up to 50km/h
4. Where did i learn how to box? I self taught myself by watching mike tyson
5. Muhammad Ali once said “Float like a butterfly, Stung like a bee”

Activity 3

1. A. Shocking statement
B. a lot of people says “Practice makes Perfect “, andi agree with that because i had a
funny experience
2. His Parents is a teacher so they had to teach and his sister was having a sleepover.
3. He cut his middle finer, skinned his nail, and forgot to grease the pot
4. His parents liked the cooking and since then he wanted to cook more
5. Positive lesson, he learned that practice makes perfect

Activity 4

Before i could have a foreign friend

One day, i watched an american football game
at last, the day i went back to japan
After i made curry
When i ate My curry
Later when my mom got home

Activity 5

1. After people harvested apples. They cooked and stored them in a glass jar
2. I ate my main course before i ate my salad
3. As soon as she applied the job, she was accepted

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