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Homework: Experience
Objective: The student is able to talk about activities in the past using another past activity as
Writing Activity
Writing Activity 1. Describe ten different activities you carried out before graduating from school.
Use expressions such as: by the time, before and structures using ago.

1. I had organized many walks with my classmates

2. I had to study a lot
3. I had to go to school from Monday to Friday.
4. I had to visit my grandmother every Sunday
5. my grandparents had a very big house to which I liked to go
6. my sister and I had to pack all our school supplies the night before.
7. I had to read many books
8. I had to attend many parties
9. I had to take my dog for a walk every afternoon.
10. I had to do a lot of sports in physical education class.
Speaking Activity
Activity: What happened?
Explain what happened before the situations described below and record them as a podcast.
1. Jim had walked into a grocery store and robbed the cashier with such bad luck that the
police passed by at which point Jim was sentenced to 2 years in prison.
2. Jane had worked since she was very young, then won the lottery and took a well-deserved
vacation to cruise around the world.
3. A policeman had finished his shift when he saw a girl hanging from a third floor window,
he ran from under the window and managed to catch the girl so the policeman became
the hero of the day.
4. A group of friends had met again 5 years after graduating, and it turns out that one of
them imitated a famous phrase from her math teacher and they all laughed.
5. In an English class, some students started throwing paper balls and one of them called the
teacher silent and the teacher had warned them to stop throwing balls. The teacher
punished the whole class.
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