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- One : the leader
- Two : mastermind
- Three : fighter 1
- Four : fighter 2
- Five : fighter 3

One : Everyone sit. Two, proceed with the plan I told you yesterday.
Two: Okay, so...
Four : Plan apa pulak ni One? Where is my part from our last mission?
One : Aku dah bagi kan haritu takkan tak cukup!
Three : Eh! lagi 60% tu mana? takkan lah korg dua dpt byk.
Five : Haah! Mana adil! korang ingat kitorang buat apa masa mission minggu lepas tu?
sepatutnya Two yg dapat sikit sbbkan dia lah kita almost kene tangkap haritu!
One : WEH DIAM! Two, kau pergi settle kan budak2 ni.
( One jln keluar) (everyone look at Two)
Two : Gold tu ada kat One. Dia simpan. Nantilah kita settlekan hal ni eh. Nah gula-gula.
(smua ambik gula2 tu and no longer feel angry)
One : Ha, dah?
Two : Yep! smua okay lepas dapat barang.
One : Proceed lah. terbazir dah masa aku.
Two : Okay, utk mission kali ni, kita akan bagi president tak dpt nk buat apa dh lepas apa yg
terjadi in previous mission. jadi nanti kita akan buat mission mcm biasa after midnight. Three,
kau akan masuk dulu nanti.
Three : No problem!
Two : Four dan Five akan masuk dari timur. Meanwhile aku akan masuk control room and hack
Five : What about One?
Two : Oh! forgot to mention abt that! One akan akan kawal dari luar.
Three : ceh. bkn nya dia buat apa2 pun nanti. (tone: under the breath)
One : (clear throat) Now, aku nak korng prepare brg korang msuk naik van. mlm ni kita start
mission kita. He'll be 6 feet under tonight.
(Everyone bersurai)
Two : (bunyi tembakkan from her gun).
Four : Weh bunyi apa-
(semua tgk kat sumber bunyi)
Five : THREE!!!!! (Four & Five pergi ke Three yg dh terlentang)
One : Ko buat ape ni Two? (aiming her gun to Two)
Two : KAU DIAM LA FIVE! (shoot Five and aim her gun to One)
(Four aiming her gun to Two)
(Two pick up her device that connected to the small device inside the gula2 she gave before)
Two : Once I press this button, you'll die due to the electric shock from the device that I've
inserted inside the candy I gave you minutes ago. Throw your gun away or I'll press this! I dont
have the intention to kill you anyway.
(Four throwing her gun.)
Two : I DON'T MESS WITH OTHER PEOPLE'S LIVE! But, YOU! kenapa nak bunuh orang tua
Four : sebab die dh nmpk muka kita lah sebab apa lagi. Kau nak kita kene tangkap ke nanti?
Two : Yang dia nampak tu muka aku! Kau tak hairan ke kenapa muka kita takde lagi kat berita?
One : What's your point Two?
Two : He. I never plan to kill him. Then, WHY DO YOU WANT TO KILL HIM?
One : What's the matter with that? He's the one to blame for our life. And kau dh setuju dgn apa
yg kita bincang before ni kan.
Four : Aren't you an orphan?
Two : he took care of me after my mom died when she attempted to kill us when I was 10.
One : Then, why are you here in the first place? You have such a great life after that! Good
money. You can even do whatever you want but what makes you join us?
Two : nahh, i might be bad. But I won't kill the person I respect. I just don't like them.
Four : what about One then? She's our leader!
Four : one???
One : It's for our safety! Kalau aku tak tinggal kan kau masa tu, kita dh kene tangkap dgn
security! Kau anggap aku nak buat apa? Gadaikan the whole team just for you?!
Two : You are getting on my nerves. (put both her hand to aim the gun on One)
Four : I'll never let you kill her! (run to One and tolak her and got shot by Two)
(One's gun jatuh dari tgn)
Two : Dungu! (Aim her gun back to One and step closer to her)
One : Two. Aku mintak maaf. Tolong la jgn tembak aku. Aku tahu apa yang aku cakap tu salah.
Im really2 sorry. Please spare me!
Two : Aku bagi kau dua pilihan. Sama ada aku biar jasad korang berempat dekat sini ataupun
kita serah diri kat polis.
One : tapi.... Sia2 lah smua usaha kita. What about the gold that we stole!
Two : Aku tak dpt ape2 pun dari tu. Jangan anggap hanya dengan harta dunia, kau boleh
buatkan aku terpedaya dan lalai macam kau. Kau tau tak yang kau ni, lagi teruk dari orang tua
tu? Yes, he makes our life miserable sampai buat mak aku nak bunuh kitorang sbb takde duit
dah nak tampung hidup kami. Tapi die takkan biarkan any live terbunuh mcm tu je. Tak macam
kau. Nyawa sendiri pun sanggup gadai demi harta.
One : (ambik gun yg jatuh tadik while Two is bercakap)
One : Two, Im sorry for you. (aiming her gun to Two)
Two : I see. Afterall, no life matters to you right.
One : Im sorry. Aku jadi mcm ni pun sbb die lah. dia buat hidup aku merempat dekat jalan. i
have never felt the life where I don't need to worry about what to eat the next day. Tak pernah
dalam hidup aku, being respected as a human being. Mana2 aku pergi, orang akan anggap aku
ni jijik. Budak pengutip sampah. Now that i have all of you, i can live in a new life. But i dont
realize when i was given this amount of money. I became who I was before. The different it
make is just I become the slave of money. Now that you have pointed out my mistake. I feel like
my old self has been awaken. Im sorry Two.
(all the other number kumpul behind One)
Two : Im sorry that it might be too late for you to regret it now.
One : what do you mean?
(One's hand was grabbed by someone)
(One look at Four, confused)
Four : yeah. im not dead.
Five : Me two.
Three : Me three. (raise her hand)
One : Ape ni?
Two : the day I came back to our hidden place was after I got caught by the president personal
police. and there's the president. In front of me with his face showing some reaction I couldn't
explain. It's neither the feeling of disappointment nor the feeling when you miss your loved one. I
was expecting the worst from him but instead he let me live but I need to accept his deal. I told
Three first before the others. And she suggested to not tell you no matter what. So, kitorang dah
plan nak accept offer president untuk pulangkan gold yg kita curi tu and get our freedom back. I
know if I tell you about the plan, you wouldn't agree and something even worse will come from
you. So I came up with a plan with the other members.
One : Pengkhianat! (One try to escape)
(3,4&5 tahan One)
Two : It's like karma. What you give, you'll get back. Unless you repent. But i dont think any of
your words are sincere. Everything that you care was money and not any of us. You are such a
narcissistic person. Wanting everything for yourself. I guess it's time for you to meet karma.
(aiming 'karma', the gun to One). (play karma by TS)

-the end-

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