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Writing and essay about logistics costs

Asley Ramirez Montaño

International Business

Regional Tolima





The purpose of this paper is to talk about international physical distribution, taking into

account different methodologies and structures of English, thus managing to generate a text

on the subject mentioned above.

Evidence 1

International physical distribution is essential operations to generate delivery through

transport, and take the merchandise to the place indicated in the different documents, but as

we know the export must have several people who must verify this export such as logistics

operators, shipping agents, and customs, among others.

But one of the functions that international physical distribution stands out the most is that

they are entities that help the generation of transportation to achieve it easily, but they not

only seek to generate transportation but also evaluate and pay for it each one looking for an

effective means, that carries the amount of merchandise but also that is economically

affordable for the seller.

According to the page esan. (2018), we can see and identify that the DFI is what is related to

the movement of the product, which is why it will entail not only the logistics aspect, but also

the legal aspect, they indicate that if any of these factors were to fail, Clearly the

merchandise will not be able to reach its final destination, so this page recommends that it

be taken into account that they are legal organizers and manage it effectively.

The risks can be various, including damage to the merchandise during transportation, some

examples are:




-Transport movements

Among other damages

To generate the distribution, you must have consistent results such as weight, volume, type

of packaging, and packaging said and agreed upon by both the seller and the buyer.
It must be added that for the DFI the type of incoterm must be made or chosen and it helps

you to choose it, in addition, it also gives the option of choosing the three types of transport.

In many cases, we can see that there are all kinds of competition worldwide, whether it is

from markets, but you will always see competition and in the case of distribution, you must

also adapt and take measures to be within the competition and not fall into an economic

depression, therefore many times the advantages of reducing costs will improve and provide

many more customers who will acquire this entity for more comfortable and affordable


and it is that it not only generates more clients but also that it generates more processes if it

is done by land.

The disadvantage of these costs is that there may clearly be coordination risks since having

low costs and reducing them may not generate the measures of this risk, you will have

problems with language, time, and cultural changes, among others, if necessary. of great

distance and the costs are lowered clearly who will be affected by the entity because the

longer it is, the more expensive these costs will be.


We can show that the DIF is a great helper for many relevant cases in terms of exports, they

are essential, they provide greater knowledge and help to the seller and buyer, especially the

seller, but it does generate a substantial contribution, although there are advantages and

disadvantages, can be maintained efficiently.

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