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Actividad de aprendizaje 12

Evidencia 1:

Writing and essay about logistics costs

Johana María Mendoza Acosta

Negociación Internacional


In the following essay, the logistics and transportation costs in International Physical
Distribution will be described, as well as the disadvantages of its high costs, where,
initially, the concept of DFI will be defined and after that, a brief explanation of the
aforementioned topics. At the end, it will be concluded and a relationship will be
made with respect to a cited bibliography.
What are the advantages of reducing logistics and transportation costs in

International Physical Distribution and the disadvantages of high costs in it?

International Physical Distribution, known by its acronym DFI, is the logistics process
that is developed around placing a product on the international market in compliance
with the terms negotiated between the seller and the buyer. Its main objective is to
minimize the time, costs and risk that can be generated during the journey, from the
point of departure at origin to the point of delivery at destination. International
Physical Distribution occupies a place of great importance in international trade,
being linked to its efficiency and competitiveness, as suggested by Giraldo & Mazo
(2011), the proper management of the DFI generates a correct flow of materials and
flow of goods. information, the first related to prior knowledge of all the activities
involved in moving the product to its international destination in optimal conditions,
and the second that allows the organization to carry out its logistics planning being
consistent with the needs and trends of demand. . Hence, it contributes to time
optimization, cost reduction, inventory optimization, timely delivery and optimal
product status, discovering efficiency in the logistics process and improving
customer service levels. The foregoing is conceived as an opportunity for countries
to achieve greater progress and economic growth, since for a country's participation
in the world economy to be sustainable, it is not only necessary to produce
exportable goods that can access international markets, but also develop
competitive advantages and meet the needs of importers, as Paredes, Suarez, &
Villalobos (2018) state, what the DFI seeks is to maximize resources in time, costs,
and exact delivery at the agreed place, which determines the the satisfaction of
importers, and allows us to infer that the effectiveness with which this process is
carried out can generate, to a greater or lesser extent, the development of a country.

On the other hand, logistics can be defined as the part of the supply chain
management process responsible for the "efficient planning, implementation and
control of the flow of materials and/or finished products, as well as the flow of related
information, from the point of origin to the point of destination, meeting the needs of
customers to the maximum and generating the minimum operating costs. Operating
costs are expenses that are related to the operation of a business, or to the operation
of a device, component, piece of equipment or facility. They are the cost of the
resources used by an organization just to maintain its existence. By reducing these
costs, some advantages are obtained, which are: process optimization, saving and
reinvention are promoted, lower costs are obtained for the final customer, but, also,
when a company manages to reduce its logistics costs, it can transfer that margin of
savings to its clients, by offering them lower prices in services, which allows it to
improve its competitiveness in the market. And the most susceptible area to reduce
the logistics cost is in the transport of goods.

It is possible to verify the importance of international physical distribution, its

influence if there are low or high operating costs. Therefore, it is important that

companies make plans that seek to look at the impact that operating costs have on

the company's operations.

Giraldo, E. Y., & Mazo, A. Z. (2011). Distribución física internacional. Caso de
aplicación a productos de panela pulverizada-Biopanela. Revista EAN, 158.

Paredes, K. M., Suarez, A. M., & Villalobos, F. S. (2018). La distribución física

internacional como estratégia competitiva para colombia. Bogotá D.C.: Universidad
Cooperativa de Colombia.

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