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December 1, 2022 1

Class #: Kindergarten 1 hour Course Art



 demonstrates some ways of organizing materials, e.g., collecting, arranging, creating and transporting
 manipulates or uses materials for a purpose, e.g., water, sand, wood and fabric

 selects and works with a variety of materials to build structures, e.g., blocks, wood and clay

At the end of the lesson students will be able to demonstrate:
1. An understanding of organizing materials for creating
2. Be able to apply an understanding of the use of the different materials used
3. Begin to understand the different use of different kind of materials
 Popsicle sticks
 Gems
 Glue (liquid and hot glue)
 Black hat cut outs
 Markers
 Ribbon (for scarf for snow man)
 Little flowers (for snowman’s hat)
 Buttons
 Cotton balls
 Yarn
 Scissors
 Some students will finish faster than other, so they can do the two other options to keep them
 Try to keep an eye on them around glue as they could possibly make a mess
 Things may come and things may take longer to do like instruction at the begin or the creating
Introduction Time
Explaining 1) Have them sit at the front for you to explain to them 15 min
the activity (when your done tell them to go their
2) Having examples to show the students examples (view
3) You may also need to glue the popsicle sticks together
for the students, so 3 attached across for Santa and
snowman. Then for the tree you use a regular length
popsicle stick and then cut one in half for the bottom
part of the tree (once again see picture below)
4) - Santa: comes with a premade Santa hate to glue on
top, they have then glued the cotton ball for his beard,
then below the beard they can put one or two buttons
on their Santa, then with markers they can draw eye
just above the beard.
- Snowman: They have paper that they can glue on
the top that has been printed out on black paper.
Then on the hat there are little flowers on to the
hat (they can put it wherever they would like).
Then they can also use the buttons on the lower
half of the snowman. Then with the red sparkly
ribbon you wrap it around the snow man’s neck for
his scarf. The lastly with marker they can draw the
snowman’s face (mouth, eye, carrot nose)
- Tree: with the tree they will glue on the different
option as the “star” of the tree (options like
gingerbread man, reindeer, tree… they are little
wooden pieces), they using this sticker gems they
can put it around the tree for ornaments

Doing 1) You pour some liquid glue for students to use with a
brush to use for gluing on the Santa hats, buttons,
snowman hat, little flower for the snowman hat, scarf
for snowman, beard for Santa, and the topper to the
Christmas tree
2) Give students the options on what they would like to
do first, then put them into their groups of Santa,
snowman, and tree
40 min
3) Also leave the examples of each ornament at each
4) Try to make sure you are walking around to make sure
every student is doing okay and to help them if needed
(also can hot glue piece student are struggling with)
5) Keep with putting names on things to make it easier to
give back to students

Conclusion Time
 You will be hot gluing the yarn or the ornament to make loop to hang on the
tree (also keep an eye out for piece on the ornament that needs more glue)
 Have the students clean up their things, making sure they handed thing in 5 min
and have names on everything. Then let wash up and get snack.

 Formal: seeing the ability and understanding of kids working with the materials and the

Additional Notes:

Hat cutout:
December 1, 2022 3


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