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This movie relates to a simple saying by Thomas Keller which states,” A recipe has
no soul. You are the cook, must being the soul to the recipe”.

When you think impossibility butts in to a situation of no certainty, stay calm to mold
such weak point to become your greatest armor. Carl Casper is a head chef of a
prestigious restaurant in Brentwood California which is the Gauloise. The restaurant
is engage in classical cuisines which the public constantly patronizes. Being in the
same industry somehow made Casper at the state of plateau that urges his
capabilities being the best chef to make an innovations of his artistic and mouth-
watering dishes. However, one particular event occurred that unexpectedly turned
his fate apparently different. While serving his newly-divergent dish, a popular food
critique made a sarcastic comment that was intentionally done. Reaching out upon
her attention, Riva, the owner, requested Casper to stick with the restaurants’
classical food preparations in order save the image of the business. The chef just
then stood up of his words and that he believes that his creation is but a best
innovation. At the back of his mind the statement of the food enthusiast was made in
purpose. Just after the incident, Casper decided to quit the job and made his
decision to put up his own business.

Curious about the situation, he asks his son about social media platform the food
enthusiast has used and later on learned about it after his son taught him. It was a
big hand to hand conversation between the social media influencer and Casper
unknowingly their words were bulging around the platform. This case turned the
situation even worse when the chef confronted physically the influencer. The chef
has moved to Miami in order to compose himself and made back again to his
passion and serve the people. He decided then to establish his own restaurant which
eventually, through his passionate management, catches the attention of the general

The movie is but an inspiring story just like a thought that inevitably wanted to be
pondered the situation of chef Casper is an implication of great dedication, hardship,
and self-reliance that no matter how stiff life could be if you believe in yourself
nothing hampers with your dreams. He has gone through thick and thin that has
even challenge his capability as a great creator. His innovations are like the actual
happening that occurs in our daily lives. No matter how good you are, there will
always be someone who could not appreciate the effort you have been rendering.

We came to face various unexpected disappointments that triggered our strength to

cope up the tolerable limits of our mind. We fell into this trap of nowhere point to turn
about. We seem to let these dim thoughts cover our shallow understanding. It is not
about our weakness that dictates the pacing of your fate against any out of the blue
circumstances that may blatantly shattered back us to fall.
Food has already been part of our daily life. It is indeed our basic needs in order to
survive. Aside from it provides us energy to flex our body it also become the number
one source of income of most business tycoons. Food has already reached its peak
in the business industry. It will never get out of style and will always be the trending
source of profit around the world. They said, food tastes good and delicious when it
is cooked heartily, in other words cooked and served with love. When you love the
food you cooked, the person to eat the food would feel the love too. When you
served the food with joy, so do the one to receive the food would feel the same way
too. Happiness and love is shared through your menu so you should be happy to
food you’ve prepared. These things were the things I learned as I watched the

As we keeps the ball rolling, this movie really inspired me a lot. It made me realize
that life is indeed a challenging journey to venture. There will always be ups and
downs. Alongside, there will always be happiness and sadness, so do failure and
success. Our sapphire sky might be covered with dark clouds but always remember
that behind those clouds there is a ray of hope of sunshine so better not surrender
but fight. We should keep striving for our dreams because we have so many reasons
to go on, we have our family and friends to scaffold us no matter what. As long as
you believe in yourself that you can, then you can do it and someday they would say
that finally you made it and come this far. There will always be chances out there.
Therefore, whatever life throws at you stands strong. Whenever life smashed you
stand still and whatever life hits you standout and outstand them. Always remember
that there is a rainbow aftermath so we should always look at the positive side of life.
We should keep on moving forward no matter how slow it takes to see the progress.
Even the turtle won the race against the monkey because it never stops to achieve
its ultimate goal by exerting effort and determination.

Finally, you may consider engaging new things in life, but, pursuing without any point
of ascertained future beholds and lays the unwavering grip of success. As a
management major we must compel ourselves to give always our best shot to any
actions and decisions that we make in our life. Strikes what actually gives us hope
and courage is the main point of our life that allows us to pursue of our daily dealings
and aspirations which boost our efficiency in achieving our main point of living. Let
always be the courage and hope be the keys to withstand from any struggles just like
the main character of the movie who pushes his limits towards success and
achieving every dream.

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