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The Result of Interview

1. Do you use synchronous and asynchronous in online learning?

No Respondents Answer

1 R1 Yes, I think both.

2 R2 Yes, both

3 R3 Yes, I do both in my online teaching

4 R4 Yes, I do in my teaching activity in virtual meeting throug

gmeet, gform, or Wa group

5 R5 Yes, I do

2. How do you implement the synchronous and asynchronous in online learning?

No Respondents Answer

1 R1 Sometimes I do in the class as like usually in pandemic.

Sometimes when I use online media, I use Gmeet. I use

asynchrounous only when I want to give assigment for the

students, I explained the material, and then ask them to

submit the answer on that WA group or Google Drive and

sometimes send to my email

2 R2 Implement them together for example for each class I have

a whatsapp group, before I have a class with Google Meet, I

share the link in WA group and will have the class in Gmeet.

After that, I will use WA group for submitting the

assignment and for the attendance

3 R3 Usually I use mixing both of them in every meeting,

sometimes I start with the synchronous one, so I start

meeting some discussion with the students and also maybe I

give explanation I need to see their respons, I want to see

they understand or not. For synchronous, I use Gmeet. After

that, I give excercise to do.

4 R4 The way is I share the link to WA group or every class I

have abou the time they joining the virtual meeting and they

have to activated their camera in the beginning for make

suring that those who having in my class are my students

not somebody else, and then i take the documentation by

taking a picture of their presence and we go to the class

activity and a long the class they ae permitted to close their

camera, sometimes they leaving without permission because

of the connection. For Asynchrounous, we have appointment

alocation for submitting the activies or doing the activities,

so they have to do or submit their work in the time

5 R5 We start with synchronous after that asynchronos and we

back with synchronous again. Than, in asynchronous what i

did, i give question for the student to discussion together

3. which one is more effective? Synchronous or asynchronous? why?

No Respondents Answer

1 R1 I can’t compare it, because those two methods are important

for sharing the material and collect the assesment. Those two
have own function, and it’s different.

2 R2 Those two are effective in online learning

3 R3 I can’t compare both, because they have different situation to

do. If we need to directly faces students we need

synchrounous, if we only do it on this case and asynchrouns

is the way.

4 R4 Both are effective, based on the function each of them. They

have their banifiacial for fasilitating students in doing their

work, virtual meeting is effectve to connect in sharing or

discussing activities or providing their project or report but

asynchrounous is efeective for submitting written or their

work or final project their work

5 R5 Synchrounous and asynchrounous are effective, for the first I

use sychrounous for explaining the material, after that using

asychronous to give the assigment to them, and then back to

synchrounous to disscus the result of their asssignment

4. What are the competencies that lecturers need to update in online learning?

No Respondents Answer

1 R1 The teaching competences, because we need to upgrade the

methods, so we can get attention from the students well

2 R2 The competence to make the students more active

3 R3 I think it is we have to update or knowledge of activity we

have to follow the development the technology, we know

how to use like a virtual converence, so that is one

interenting act for having online learning, we haven’t known

virtual meeting, but after the online learning we can be

expert of that.

4 R4 Digital competences, there are many ways to upgrading the

competence digital instruments and how to what is

acompetences in using many kind of digital facilities to be

our tools in online learning

5 R5 Digital competences. We need to update and adapt the app

for the example is LMS. Because in every year have

different character.

5. Do you have another way if the students still do not understand the material ?

No Respondents Answer

1 R1 I ask them first at the end explanation of the class, but as you

know they can’t follow the explanation from the first until

the end, because the students having troubles with the

internet, sometimes they just busy with another assignment

or another thing, so they don’t follow the material and make

the students didn’t ask anything. For the another way, I give

them other references or send the material in WA group.

2 R2 I repeated again in WA group, so they can read and

understand it by themselves, if they still didn’t understand,

they can ask me through WA group.

3 R3 So far in my class, I use to have a like a sharing section in

the end of the class, so after explanation I am going to ask

students, they understand the material, so they can ask me

directly or I can make sure from the way they do the

excercise . When do the excercise not really good, so I can

conclude that they do not understand, si I will reexplained it

or I will ask the students who do work good to explained to


4 R4 Sure, we have WA group for discuss later outside the

schedule of class, so they also able to communicate their

problems or what they don’t understand well

5 R5 Yes of course, the communication in online exspecialy in

synchronous not all the have the same understanding,

sometime they missed the understanding what is the

intraction very simple but sometime this intraction still could

not be undertood the study. But they try to text me in

privatly and i explane again.

6. What platform do you use in teaching online?

No Respondents Answer

1 R1 I use Gmeet. WA group, email, and sometimes Google Drive

2 R2 WA group, and Gmeet

3 R3 I use Gmeet, mostly because it’s unlimitted. I use WA and

other platfroms like quizezz

4 R4 Google form, sometimes Google classrom, Google drive

also WA group, zoom, Wa VC

5 R5 Zoom, Gmeet but prefer using Zoom.

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