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COMP 17X – PROJECT 1 /18

Instructions: In DC Connect, open the “Project 1 Starter” file and save as YourFirstName YourLastName
Project 1, i.e. “Ron Simcoe Project 1”. Your job is to turn this starter file into an APA formatted paper using the
7th Edition APA information given to you during the first 4 weeks of classes, the information at the end of this
document and, if needed, the “Sample Student APA 7th Ed Paper” and “Sample Student APA 7th Ed Annotated
Paper” available in the content section under the “Additional Files” folder. This paper must use the correct
margins, font, font size, line spacing, paragraph spacing and indent throughout (including the title page, table of
contents, anything in the header and reference section). For your convenience, the project starter file has many
areas highlighted to identify important parts of the document. Green highlight indicates a Level 1 Heading,
Yellow highlight indicates a Level 2 Heading and Blue highlight indicates bullets are required, Red highlight
indicates where a citation should go. All questions are worth 1 mark unless indicated otherwise. READ ALL
INSTRUCTIONS BEFORE STARTING! Note: Question 13 contains a quick reference to the APA rules that
you must follow.
In addition to APA formatting, the following must be done
1. You must fix any spelling errors in this paper. (If grammar errors exist, leave them alone).
2. This paper must have a title page that complies with APA 7 th Ed. guidelines. Refer to Lab 3 question 3 for
details. The title of the is paper is “Academic Integrity at Durham College”.
3. You must CREATE a new style for both Heading Level 1 and Heading Level 2 that comply with APA 7 th
Ed. guidelines. Apply Heading Level 1 to Green and Heading Level 2 to Yellow paragraphs. Do NOT
modify the existing Heading 1 and 2 styles. (Note: Make sure these styles are based on Heading 1 and 2
respectively or your table of contents won’t show up!). When naming the new styles use the following
“Your_Initials APA7 L1” and “Your_Initials APA7 L2. For example, I would name my level 1 heading RS
APA7 L1. Once all your headings are complete, please remove the green and yellow highlights. {2 Marks}
4. Create a new style based on the normal style that complies with APA 7 th Ed. Bullet paragraphs. Please use
solid round bullets. Name this new style “Your_Initials APA7 Bullets”. For example, I would name mine
“RS APA7 Bullets”. This is a standard APA Bullet paragraph. Apply this new style to all Blue paragraphs
and when you are done, please remove the blue highlight.
5. Create a new style based on the normal style that complies with the standard paragraph of an APA 7 th Ed.
paragraph. Name this new style “Your_Initials APA7 P1”. For example, I would name mine
“RS APA7 P1”. This is a standard APA paragraph. Apply this new style to all standard paragraphs of this
paper. Ask if you have any questions as to where to apply this. I didn’t want to create a highlight for
standard paragraphs because there are so many of them!
6. Update the Title style to match the title format on any element paragraph (Not the paragraph that contains
the title of the paper) on your Title Page and then apply this new title style to everything on the Title Page
including blank paragraphs and the Title of the Paper paragraph. When you are done, make sure the Title of
the Paper Paragraph is bold so that it complies with APA 7 th Ed.
7. Headers: Page numbers must be on the right side of the Headers (using fields) as per APA guidelines.
8. You must create a Table of Contents on its own page after the title page. After creating the Table of
Contents, modify the TOC 1 and TOC 2 styles so that they comply with APA 7th Ed. (We did this in Lab 4).
Make sure the Table of Contents is updated before submitting your project and make sure its heading uses
the APA7 L1 Heading you created in step 3.
9. Please add the following 2 sources using Word’s bibliography tool. The first source will be a journal article
with the two authors. The first author’s name is “Olivia Elizabeth Abott” (Order is First Middle Last) and
you are the second author (include your middle name and make one up if you don’t have one), the title is
“How to Avoid Academic Integrity”, journal name is “Durham College 2022 Policy Journal”, published in
“2022”, pages 55-75. The second source must be a book with you as the author (include your middle name
and make one up if you don’t have one), the title is “Understanding Academic Integrity in 2021”, published
in “2021”, City is “Whitby”, the publisher is “ACME Ltd.”.
10. Please add the 1st citation in the paragraph under the Heading Paragraph “Policy Statements” after the red
highlighted word integrity. The 2nd citation will be added at the end of the same paragraph after the red


COMP 17X – PROJECT 1 /18
highlighted word offence. Remove the red highlights when you are done and make sure you add your
citations correctly!
11. Create a bibliography (You must use the built-in bibliography tool) on the last blank page of the paper using
the sources you created above. After creating the bibliography, make sure the heading for your bibliography
matches your newly created APA7 Level 1 Heading created in step 3.
12. Modify the bibliography style to APA 7th Ed. formatting. Please note: You are modifying the bibliography
style and NOT creating a new style.
13. The document must adhere to ALL APA 7th. Ed. guidelines as per below. {5 Marks}
APA Guidelines for this paper. (All errors or omissions of the following guidelines will result in a 0.5-marks
deducted for each error up to a maximum of 5 marks.
All text is automatic black on the entire paper.
Margins are 1-inch Top, Bottom, Left and Right
All information on the Title Page is Times New Roman, 12, double spaced and centred horizontally on the page
with no paragraph spacing. Look at Lab 3’s instructions to see what information (Title of Paper and Title page
elements) should be on the title page and how I want this information formatted and displayed, including the
number of hard returns needed to center the information vertically on the page.
The main body paragraphs are Times New Roman, 12, double spaced, special first line indent 0.5 inches, no
paragraph spacing.
Heading 1 paragraphs are Times New Roman, 12, bold, double spaced, centred, no paragraph spacing. When
done, ensure all level 1 headings important words are capitalized.
Heading 2 paragraphs are Times New Roman, 12, bold, double spaced, no paragraph spacing. When done,
ensure all level 2 headings important words are capitalized.
The Table of Contents is Times New Roman, 12, double spaced, no paragraph spacing (leave the indent alone
unless you are creating a style for it). If you are using a MAC, make sure to remove Italics and bold formatting
if it was added.
Bibliography (References) are Times New Roman, 12, double spaced, no paragraph spacing, with a special
hanging indent of 0.5 inches. The bibliography must say References (not Bibliography and not Works Cited). If
you have a MAC and don’t see an option for References, use Works Cited and just rename it to References
when done.
Bullets - Use round (instead of square), Times New Roman, 12, double spaced, no paragraph spacing and use
Sentence Case.
Header – The page numbers in the Header must be formatted as Times New Roman 12.
Note: You don’t have to modify the style for the Table of Contents as long as it is formatted according to 7 th Ed.
APA. However, if you do modify it, make sure you get the indent correct for the Level 1 and 2 headings (TOC1
and TOC2).
Remember, an APA 7th Ed. Paper must start by repeating the title of the paper directly after the Table of
Contents and this must be formatted as an APA Level 1 Heading.
Do not create any unnecessary blank paragraphs (But you don’t have to delete any blank paragraphs that were
created by MS Word when you added the Table of Contents and the Bibliography.


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