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Running head: TITLE OF PAPER 1

Title of Paper (Adjust top-bottom centering on page as needed)

Author's Name

College Name



Please include an Abstract in each written assignment as that follows the APA style and Uark has

asked that you practice writing a concise summary of the paper, which is what an Abstract will

do. A guide for this Abstract is found on Purdue’s OWL, which Uark’s Quality Writing Center

( ) points to as a reference for writing papers. Begin a new page.

On the first line of the abstract page, center the word “Abstract” (no bold, formatting, italics,

underlining, or quotation marks). Beginning with the next line, write a concise summary of the

key points of your research. (Do not indent.) Your abstract should contain at least your research

topic, research questions, participants, methods, results, data analysis, and conclusions. You may

also include possible implications of your research and future work you see connected with your

findings. Your abstract should be a single paragraph double-spaced. Here’s how describes the Abstract:

concrete-abstract.html All numbers in this paragraph should be typed as numbers and not in

word format. There is no indentation to the abstract paragraph.


Title of Paper

Start the paper with a short introduction to the subject you are writing about. Formatting

for the entire body of the paper is Times New Roman font in 12 point; double-spaced; aligned

flush left; and paragraphs indented with 5-7 spaces. Page breaks have been put into their proper

places and will create the proper format when printing. Adjust these page breaks as needed when

removing sections. The page number appears one inch from the right edge on the first line of

each page along with the first 2-3 words of the title separated by 5-7 spaces, excluding the

Figures page.

Paragraphs do not include extra returns and retain the same double line space as the

paragraph body. Page numbering will have to be done manually for each page as there is no page

number function in Google Docs at time of this template creation. Be sure to check your page

numbering before printing.


Headings are recommended for structure and organization. First level headings are in

bold, have the first letter capitalized and are centered in the page. You do not start new pages for

each heading, just a new line.


Subheadings are a good way to organize your paper. See the APA’s own guidelines for

levels of headings on their website:



The References page begins on a new page after the main body of the paper. The heading

is centered but not bold. References use hanging indentation with the first line is flush left and

each additional line indented This has been done already with the first reference. Hit "enter" to

create a new reference after the first to keep the correct hanging indentation formatting or simply

copy and paste the first example to make more references. If you lose the formatting of this first

reference, please read the next section in order to fix it.



Author or editor. (Publication year). Book title. Place of publication: Publisher.

Author's Last Name, Initial of First Name. Initial of Middle Name if Given. (Year, Month). Title

of article. Journal Title, Volume# (Serial#), Page Numbers. (Note: Use year and month if

it is a monthly magazine)

David, F. R. & David, F. R. (2017). Strategic management: A competitive advantage approach,

concepts and cases (16th Ed). Boston: Pearson Education, Inc.

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