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Hearing the subject of "Business English" sounds hard to take, though there are
times that it really is. However, if we look on the bright side, it has lots of benefits,
especially for us, the students. Students who took the Bachelor of Science in Business
Administration, or BSBA, are required to take this as part of their course to be prepared
upon entering the business world. We all know that entering this field isn’t easy because
we can either meet higher-ups or work with them to achieve the goals of the organization,
in which case we can be part of their success.

As time passed, I learned a lot about this subject. It was fun sometimes, though it
was tiring. The lessons were easy to understand, and I was able to use them for other
things or subjects. There were lots of activities, but I was able to finish them on or before
the said deadline. I know that doing these types of activities will help me to shape my
future, just like taking down important notes. It is essential to take notes for us to be able
to remember the lesson that our professor taught. All of these things can be applied to a
company or organization in which we want to work and help us grow as individuals.

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