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tri?€iNATlO$At oRGANrZAlloN FOn
uEx.qyHApogi{Aft optAHr43Atlr4s no

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Petrnleum products and lubricants * Deterrnination
of flash point
- pansky-Ma.t*n* "to""U cup ;ed;;
*oduits pdtrdiers et bfuifiants ^ oebrnination du point d,6crair
Pens*y-Matens en vase dos - Mfuthode

,qFSil1- ifi t?ii"#iary, ths$

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ilr.,Fi :;r.,r: ;ii1s, Chr;nngf
' - " :'v I I?oro
.Dtteatv^t lapcoc.har't

Rctercrcl tuBbcf
l$O 2719: t98t {E}
ISO 2719 : 1388 lEl

Petroleum products and lubticants - Determination

of flash point - Pensky-Martens closed cup method

1 $cope thio{rgh m opding {ltett cbssd sr other frnes} inro !h€ cup at
rsg{rlar t*mpe.aiorc interyals with 3irndtaneot s int*rupti,On oi
Ihls tntemation€l Slandard specifi€s n€thods. using the stirring. The Sash point is rhe lowsst tetnp€ralue dt which
Pensw-Martens closed cup tpsaratus, for detsrminins the appticatiofr of the tqst flarne causes the !"pona ibor8 the rest
lladr point ol combustible liquids. liquids with $r*snded gortim lo ignhe.
solid*. lubricating oils, liquids that lsnd lo form a sudaca ffm
onder tll€ r€fi condilisns, and othat SquUs'
4 Apparatus
$r Op*n anp ltash and lito points cl pelroleurn products fiaY be
dasminsd by th€ use ot ISO 2592 : 1973, futrabum prcduets ll,l Thsrrnonrot{rr, partial inrnersbn, c,oftfotming te th€
- De,enination ol ltdsh nd lire points CtalebM open cw
- appropriate specification in annex A:
fierAod. RaEh points of peihls aild varnkhes tnd &ying oits
r€t ba detetrninad by the riss ol ISO 15ffi: 1S; firitts, 16r - low ranga. for saxrples gtving a tlash poiil b€tw€en
DslPJntiirrat&.n o{ 'lg oC and I !0 oC j
dishes, pgl{otevffi and rchted ,f6,dacts -
Itashpoint -
Closed cup equilibilum method.
- medium rangre, such 8s ASTM 88C or lP l01C thor
fitoT!s rnornetefs;

I Th€ rbelhod des{Ed h this lntsplioffil Stmd*d rEy be

- high range, lor sarnples giving a flash poifir betwa6ft
erployrd lo rh.detelioo of cmtamiBtion of h&isating oib by ll0 oC and 370
ndrc. ffif,ts ot rclttile @fs;.*, $tftactt *o gftctt oc6s in heat
trfft6 ols dx to palial cockirrg. H,owsGr, tha lrcr etnpqratut€
!r rtich e.dt a fs.rid is cagsh ol p.o:fEirg m ipitab& almca}we 4.2 Peroky-Madem closed csp &ppatatus. ar rJescribdd
rE bc hr€ tF thai trytd by L\is mdEd. {Sa llso da@ 6, ir lmer B.
srd paagoeh, atrc 73, Dre.:
Autonptic fls*r psinl iaslars ale availstle af,d in uss which
2 lfir hlanE-ntl $sdard *nJd ba ulcd to trcle sd rnay be advantageoos in lhe sa\dng of reE rng tirne, ln pe#tt"
{r*.iba thG gfea.lha ol rraaftb. prdg*g tt:'letrah rwsls u} ting the uise ol srnalbt saJilpt6, and in o{her lsclorc which r6y
h€tt rrd fiaa urder cmi.oil.d Soralory endi*rc. Undet actc€l meril lieir !se. It srtornrtic 16st€rs 9.6 uscd, the {rser Eha$ be
tir cffdtiffi th? rrryoB ro ad iam" my be dittsoftl.
sure that all the rnrnuleturar's instrucdons tog calhrating,
adiustir,g and opera$ng th€ irBtrurlent dte fo$ilrtled.
tr 2 Definition ln any coses ol dispule. the tlash poinl as dotetmincd manually
shatl be ionsklered lhe rel€roc test.
fltgh Folnt: The lowest ,afrp"r",ui", correctrd tc a
barometric pressure cf 101.3 iPa, al wtrth spdicstion ol a le6t 4.3 Adaplar, lor use with low{atlge thermwreier lsee
tlsarg caus€9 the iapout of a test portidn to igniie und€t. annex Cl.
specilisd condititcns o{ lest.

Y lioTEs
'I The snple i3 dsmcd lo h3w ittslte{l w+En 3 laroe fla re appearc
6 Preparation of tspsratus

ffd irFaan:dreoqsly yopalieter itslt ovs $! slt{acE cf the ${}Sle. SupDort lhe apparaius m a lsel, SteadY table. Unles€ le3ts ere
rnadg in a Crtught'trce rerri sr cotn!3i"lnrint. it is gcad pr3e-
2 Occasiomny. garticrrla(tv rea' ilE sctud flsh poinl, itr ap,plicrlbn lice. but n:t cbligalory, to 3$rround rhe l?ster- ol} tluee sidrs
ol the te$l tltoa pifi Hse a bls! b6lo ot m etsst3sd ftan€; lh:s is tr{ 'Nith a shield aptroxitnsiely 400 mm wide arxi 0d) mm high,
r firsh lnd slnttt be igMed.

6 Prepatation of test sample

3 Pdneiple
TG*t silrtpl€s ehall nor be stor.c :n polysthfotre,
Thg tegt padion iE hetted sl . 5lolr,, conslant rste wrth con' potyp$pybnc or other pla*icr bottl€r., b€causG wl€{ils
tinual stining in a cup closed by r lid. A s'reil {lafire is dkecled matedrl msy dilfuss through tho wslls of fho bo{th.

F-: !' :- ii.
)'i'. rl ;lr. '
C- -q1

% , I .:rt;
ISO 2719: lS {El

It it i3 rwtgct€d that a tsst smpl6 contsins vola(il,s con- thg heatrng cha'Ilxx ior eoolihg bath in the case of r\nrc,ed
t mincnts, th6 trsatment d*cribed in E.l and i.2 strall be flash point below srl$;mt lenrperature ..- s€e 6 3i.^r,
omltted_ [:r r rp. 1,11g
the cup is tlropgrly seated. lnsgt lhe ll)4illterrqler. l_;{ht tt,}
tesl flam and adirs.t it to a diamsler of d rrrr 1 0.S fl ),,,. I i,,at
ol a (ale Such thal the temnefi}frtre as i${iiofii{)d i*. i;rr !J/r
6.1 lest samples of very viscous notaials may be s,annsj mon)ete{ inc'eas€ls 5,'C..rdrr to $ oClnrifl. Ii,fi} ri{: r.ii?(r; ,tt
sntil they sr€ rcasonably lluid before lhey are lestcd. llowever, 90 r/rnin to 120 r/nrirr, so tlrat rlrc tost frr:rtiorr ie rila.ft: t,, ttr,*j
r no test sample shatl be heated rllor€ lhm is sbsotutsly frm top to bottffl,
necessary. A test sample shall never be heated above I
temperaturo 17 oC belw its exp*ted f|a!fi point.
7.2 For produets whose fiash point is expecie{t ro be equai to
ll th€ rempaBlu.e difference b"tween the nrelting pokrr and s
bpJov t lO dC, apply lhe flare at each degree up to ti0

!!eh Ooinr ot r liquid k tes than 20 oC, hert the sarpte to beginningat a tmperaturelretwafl lg aC andZg dgbelow th€
3 oC + I oC above its trrelting pojnt ond immediarety trarisfcr a exoected flash point. Appily rhe test flarc by operating rhe
lG! poriion ir:to the cup and proceed as in clailsc g. negteclir,q nrc*hanisrr orr lhe lid which controls the shufier and tllst ilgrre
mininrurn tsrrperatures specif ied in this clgus. brttur so linl tlr: lldtE is k)w,yu, into tln v;{rlrr sFru r, t:l ttrn
cup in 0,5s; lelt in its lowerccJ pssj{ion lor I s, anl q*ir:$y
tetracled. Do_ not stk the rcst porrlon while applyrng tlre resi
8,2 Tcst samplc containing dieeolved or free water may be {lame. {See also 6.1, sgcmd paragraph.}
detrydrated with calcium chhride or by tift*ing rhroqgh a
qualitative fitt€r paper or a lmse plug of dry absu-bent coiton.
Warmhg th€ test sample is permitted, but it sh€ll not be heated 7"3 lf rhs rert portion is 6'@ecrcd ro have a flash rirint abo"" @l
{or prolong€d pedods o aborre a temperature 17 oC below its l'10'C, apply ttre test Rarne in rhe nranoer iust iesc*Oea at
expected tlesh point. each tmpsatws thar is a multiplg of 2 "C. beginning at a
lelnpsature baween lZ oC and 29 oC below tie exfoc&d
On removing wrt6r, rny watcr.solubte llammable ma- flash point.
tetisl pf6sant is also likely to bo rcmoved.
I{OTE -" The pr6ed$e dE gibed in 7.2 sftt ?.3 is not mcexarily
pllrble e*[n the !€9t iE m
to dstgrmire the poqsibls prssce ot
6.3 for erp€ded nash pdnts bdow arntrient tmtps.tuts, volatih cmteminmr.
p.epare fte appontus as lc6o!vs. ,

53t Renrne d|e tset cup ss€ntuy finduding lkt, th$- 7.4 Racocd as th€ flNstr point tfiE l€rEle€ture rsad on the.
tndlrcfs ad s|irrerl horn rhe epoaratus. lhernonptcr at the tk?le the gecclld sr sub$€$rent €pdiea$olr
cl &e lest flame. up to the &rrlrtblt dcation, c&lJs€s a
dbdnct 0'3h in rhe ir*€rior et ttls c*tp. Do F6t coni{m rtt' t'ua
63.t Plaa th6 t€sil ct p a$.rr.fv flash poinr with Ur6 bkrish halo thar somerinrcs sunounds the
in a slltaue coctingbath
{r€ter o! r 1 + 1 rixture of *€tsr tnd e$yene glfrcot ,*V U" test flarp at applications preceding ttle one thaf csusas th€ sc-
tus€dl. Thr bafh ahd irrclt& a srbra aqd covef. proride sup. tual flasft.
port fsr lherest slrpassen$ly in fhe both so that thg lid srd oF
ll a lbsh b obsarved on ttg irrititl rst llonle sBplic€riol. or it no \
lsr Edgs are horhond a.d thc ct p b i|n|r:€r!€d in direct coa-
tla€h has be€n otserved by{he tvy€nrierh ap;iicatian, rhc ur '
€c{ rrdth thc b,rrh tiqrid l} srcft I positbn thnt the l€d of rh€ -,,* '\
test pottion in the cup b the sarne as fi* of rhe tiquid in rhe cedure shall be statted again with r new t+)sl portion, rtis ii,f._jrtF
waler baih. firhrg a lower or a higficrixpected flaslt r-int, ,esx,"iiv"lv. tl ;'- -"i i
llash is obser\red at th€ initial tesl flafll€ application lrut no flsitr

I NOTF - ll rcrtm fid

dklcl mrtact with thc b'th
dry b! &!
uEsd to cod th€ bilh, do rcr u$ in
is obssv?d at a tamperatur? lolver than that of the initi€l fest
flame appfcation, rbr the lernpar.ture of the inhial t€st llsnre
spplicarion k fak€n as lh€ tlasfi point.

6.3.3 Whed the thermorcter, in contact wilh lhe te6t por-

tion, r€€chos a temp€raturs at least S oC belgw the erpecrod
llash poinr, iemolr the bafh. Apdy the test sery i
"C as
lh€ higher ambi€nt tetrFeraturg caus€s the fest portion to rise 8 Alternative procsd:rre for highly viscorrg
in ternperalure. prodrcts

t.l aring the rnaterial to be tsbted snd *re t$ter to a rem- .

J Proeadure deralura of 15 oC t
soC or 11 oC hwsr tha* $e expecied
ll$h point, whichsver is the larver. Turn the stinsr at 250 rlrnin
t 10 r/min, stining so tlr$ ihe test portbn is tnadc to frow
7,1 Thoroughly clean ryd &y dt p{ts of tle cup and irs kom top fo bouom. Raisc the tempe.ature ftrougfioul ahr
asosssorires beforl sraning Sre t6st. Enrure that dl traces ol duratiofl of rhe tsst at a rate d rct less than I oclmin and not
solvenr used to clesn the equiprrenl have bcen complstdy more than 1,5 oC/min, wlh the exception ol these re-
rernotred, Fill ttre alp with the S$ pefbfi ro ths bvsl indhaf€d quirements for rates ot stirrir€ and lnating. proceed as
by the filling ma*. Ptscs the lid on th6 cup and $t the latter in orescribed in clause 7,

jI l'..
,.. ,

! il.

ISO:719: 1S l€)

8.2 lf tfie lemperatilre diff*rerrce betwc{r lhe lilrtilg tx,i}t NO I I f Iit.' nr ca$rre i3 rrf n$rr{ra i[ I r]illiil {rl{f i ot rrr, r,;." thr,
and flash puint of a tfrl |ratelinl i8 lcss lhail'14 "C. lreitt ltr(l
saqiple to 3tC I I oC ab6v6 ii9 m€lting goint and iffidiately
transls a test Foition irlto the cup and prrceed as in clauso 7, coriecled llash po;rt . Cr 0.O33 {7$0 i''i
neglecling n*ninum t?,np€ratures specified in the clalss.
wfqte p' is th€ pregsure in silliwtre.s Df rurcury.

8-3 Exampls ol highly viscds materials are nsavy oitsl

polyr€riLl sohrlians, adtlssivs. erc. It thp .esrdis obtain€d with 10.2 Feeortl rhe corrected flsh point to the neatest 0,b oC.
duch @!oritl6, iollowing ttid direciion$ h clauses 6 and 7, s{e
in doubl. repest using the allHrEliw txmedure giH in this 10.3 Precision
rlaus€. lhe higher llash lernperatuG shall be considered th*
llash point o{ the material. 10.3.1 Easic procedure

The precisior ot this melhod. as obbined by stati*ical

I Cslibration examirration of intsrlaboralory legt resuhs, is as lolloffi-
9.1 Delermine ttre flastr pokrt ofyr-xyleretolc rilg thedirtr fi.3.1.1 Repeaaability
tims in clauses 6 and 7. When the teslor b ope|ating properly,
a value of n,2 "C *. I,l 'C will be obtain€d.

I 9.2 ll th€ tlash point obtained with p-xytsns is not within rhe
limits stated in 9.1, check th€ cofldilion ard op€rstion ol the
The ditlerencs b€tw€gn successive test residts.obtainod by the
same olrerator wirh the sarne appar?tus under constant opgl.
ating condidons on identical r€st mat€ri6l, wuld, in the tong
run, in the normal gnd correct operation of the fe$ method,
apparelus lo ensure contormily with th€ defaih listed in an- exceed lh€ values shown in table 1 only in one case in Z!-
nex B, especially with regard to th! tighrness of the lid, th€
action ol the shuttet and the positlon of th€ tsst flanr€. Aft6t Tsble I - fiaportability
adjustmerlt, if neceseary, rapeat lhe tast. f-Xylere having a
llaslr point ol 27,26c 1 l,l oc
is not a $irabte ret€?ance
material in the high-remperalure range ol rh€ Pensky-Martans
Closed Trster, \ivhich may be as high as 370 tC,

9.3 Th€ p-xylena shall confolm to the tolhwing


retariw d.nsity.r t5,56 oC I 15.56 oC,...,

0,& min./ 0,866 rnax. Bepraducibnity
boiling ra188..... 2 oC tro.n start to dry {th€ rang€ shafi
The dilfcrence bet!\reen o..o single and inclapffdonr r€3t,lts,
indude th€ boffing point of pure prytene,
obtsined bydiffsrent operatoc wo*lng in differeftt laboratorbs
which it 138.35 oCt
on identical te6t rnetarial, rnould, in the tong run, in the noll'€l
pwry.,.,. 95 % min. {freeeing point 11.?3 oC min.} and csffecl operation of the test merhod" excssd lhe valu?s
*how in table 2 oflly in om ese in 20.
Ttbls 2 - F€produclbllity
10 €xpression of r€sults
matqrial Fllrh poinl ratrgi firproduciblllty
10.1 corractlon for barcm€trij p"*t,rr.
Suspensis 35 ro 43.5 3.5
Obse$€ and racoid the ambient barottaltio pressure at the of golids
tiille ol lh€ lest. Wtlen the pr€ dillers from 101,3 lPa, cor- A[ stheE 104 ard unds 3,5
r6ct th€ llesh point using the tollowjng formsla: Abow 10tl 8,5

Correctedflashpoint = C + 4251101,3 - pl 10.3.2 Altcmativeproccdure

wlcre,, The following criteria shall b€ used to. iudgiDg the $rc(rprabifhy
a 195 % confidence) ot res{rlrs obtained on iisco$s rri}teriiilr.
C is th€ obserued flash poinr, in degrees Celsius;
wlieh tend to ftrm a surfaco filn.
t is the ambianl baronelric pressure, in kibpnscals. Repeatsbflity
The barometric pressure used in thit calculation shall tr the
ambienl prsssure in the laboratory 8r tt€ lims of t€st. ill8ny The sverrge ol tryo resJhs obtained on thr same sample ofl the
aneroid baromelsrs, such ac thosr ussd at weathe. stttions sarne day by rhe same apeElof and that of two r€5ults on a dif-
and airports. ar8 precorrecled to g;rue s96-level readings. Thess ferent day should be considered $Fp6ct it they differ by more
shall mr be used- than 5 oC.
.... .... -. .-........,,-6.ffii*::::::jjjg*glriui::::

ISO Zr19 : 1!88 {E}

1O.3.2-Z Reprcducibi,ity 1l Tost report

Tte awaggof hdo results obtained on the sre smple on tlB The lest repat{ shall cor*ain at least ths foilwlng intolmation:
sme day b! ona ooerato. rcmDared wilh tl€ awrBge of two
re$rllt on lh6 sarne sample by a difterenl ope|€lo. in ; diffuient al the type and identifi€tjon ot the prsduct t€sled;
l€boratory on any one day Bhould be consideae{r suspect if tlrey b) a reference to this kltffnarional Standard;
differ by more ihan l0 6C.
cl the result ot th€ test {see 10,?l:

d) any dwiatim, by ag@renr or othceis, from

NOT€ - Ttu definitions of repeatabifity snd ,eprodocilitiiy to this procedures specified;
trwfuru reprere6t ditlmnl p"ffists3 of tl€ varirfics kom lhe
sre$pddiag to the detioitions tr 10.3.1. el the date of the tst.

TJ W,r



lil;;ii;i=:j::'::::!.Qii*:;::::::l::::: j:iqr'

lS0 Uf19 ; 1988 lEl


Annex A

Th e rrn omeqer sPecif i cati o ns

llish rt'r*e
q) 'c ro 370 "c
SaFge 5?
G€d6lio€: 0.5oc i 0.5 "c
1"card5eC I loCBnd5oC 10 "c
Long liffi st each 5oc 20 0c
fl each
5"c I ! oC ro 260 oC
Ssl€ stg, ffix-
o,rsc I 0.5"c
2 oC der 260

ExtFGis sl6sba: oc 3m oc
Peril'l($ hstiitrg to
160 I ?05 "c
tgs iq 295
v ,f Torsl l,eBgttr,
Slem dian€l€r' m
Bulb lengrh. mm
Butb diarcrer, rrrn
6,0 to 7.0
not l*s and I
lhan 5,t
! stotl
e,o to r'o

gteatar ttran 4'5 and

ls than 51m
6.0 to 7.0
not lBss lhtn 5,5 and
rct g.oattt th6n stm
mt grrElsr than slem I
line !t o6c-:a61096mm I ro"c:8oto9o*
Drrtam" llom batlm ot bulb lo
| 145 lo tS
145 ro 180
mm l@ to 175
Lenglh tt g.adr€rod Psiion,
Sts enlsg!fieili 8.5
7,5 to I x9 * 11
7.5 ro 8.5
DirrElet' om
L€ngth, mm
il;66 lglqg
i 1..u.u.0 2,5 to 5.0
E{r 66
D6tiltl€€ o wron' r'*' ' ' "- -- --'_-rr*", ih€ir ure b pg{fifited
cnab*"d "n "rr*o*.
NOTE - Th@gh


ISO Zt19 : 1S8 lEl

F,nnex B
Pensky-Martens clcsed cup apparatus I

8,1 A typical assembly of the appa.atus, gas hea&d, is 8.3.4 .{ pilot ltarne tor aulornatic relighting ol the exposure.
shown ir! figure 8..l- {leme. A bmd { mm * S,5 mm in ahmeteimay le ,nounfeO
on rhe lid so rhar the size of the test ilame csn U.,ug"frrJ'by
]he.apparatus slrsll consist ot a test dp, lid asmbly and c€mparison. The tip of lhe rilot {tame jet shall haveair ope*lni
heating chsmber as described b*low.
the sam siee as the tip ct tlB fiam€ erposure Oevhe,
to 0,8 mm in diaruler.
di .roi

8.2 The test cup st€ll be r€de of brass o, other non-rusrino

meirl ot equivalent heat conductivity, and shall confiorm to rhl
dimensioFal requireme{rts shown in ligure g.2. The {lango
8.3.5 A stirrirrg cfeviqs mourrlerJ irr tlrt r:s,rlre ol rltr, t,.t tr.r-
shall figure 8.4) and errying rwo two bladed nr*tal prJpelre,s
be sglipped wilh devices for frositioning tha cup irr the igating iirg

lower propelle* shall measure approxirrrate! 3g mj tron
chamber. A handle atuehed to the flango ol lhe cop is ; tip ro
tlp, each ol its two hlades being g mnr w;dth and hrviric-a
desirable accessory, but shail not be so h€avy as to lip over
empty cup.
the pitch ol 45o. The uppet propelbi shail ,**rr,
'n ffi,,
t9 nm |rom rip to tip, each ot its two blades also "pluorii*,"ur"
beino g mmin
width and having a pitch of 4So. Borh propellers ar" foot O
tho stifter shatt in suct a fflanner thgt, when vietved from
rfidGmeath the glirer. the blad€6 s{ ofte p.opatter are at go
8,3 The covw essernbly shall campdse th? foltowing items.
l80o whil6 th€ btades of rts othel propeiler are at 90o
The stirrer sfEft may be coupled to a rnoto, bv a shalt
8.3,1 A lid, made ol brass or olher non-rusting,retal ot or a suilablo arang€m€at of putleys.
eguivalent lFat conductjvity, and with a rim prdacting
downward almo3t to lhe flange of the cup, as shom in liguri
8.3. Thc rim shall fir th€ ourside ol rh€ cup with a clearancJnot
exceeding 0,36 mm on iho dtar$oter- Thae shell tre a loeating
or locking device, or both, engaging with a corregondin!
devicc on rhe cup. Three opedngs in rhe l;d, A, B and C. ari
8.rl Heat shall ue supplied to the crp by means of a
Crovn in ligure 8.3. The upper edge of fts cup sfiall b€ in clos€ desi$Ed heating chOrnber wfiich is equivalent ro an ah bath.
The heatirp cfwrrber ehall consist of m air bsth and rop piar?
cofl€ct wift rhe innef face ot the lid ,ound the whcte of its ciF a
crnnlsm- ofi which the tlange of th€ cup r"s-ls.

The dir bath shall have a cytindhat inlerkx and conform

to rhe
dinrerrsimal requirenr,ents slroM in tigure B.l. lt m6y be e;tltry
8.3.2 A shutler .nads of biass, approxir€tely 2.4 [ltrrl rhic*, a flame'he€ted or an eleetrically heated ,n€lal castin;r, or have
operating ift lhe plane ol rhe upper surlaca ot the lkt, as stloffi an ioternal el€ctricalresisttncq elsmeil. ln eirhd, cas{,
in ligure 8.4. The shutrer shall b€ so sbaper, and mounled lhe air,t'

it rotates about the axis ol the hryizontal cent e of ttre cov€r

thst balh shall be suitable lor use without det.rmn:;oI n, ttre 'rrb
tsmpeftltufrs to which it will be su$ectcd.
betwe€n two stops, so pls€ed that wben in pne extreme posi-
lisn tho openings A. B ant! C in rhe tid arc compleuly closed, U the air bflh i5 a flarns,h*ated or oleftriciliv ht_,iit,,jr rr!r1a,
6rld wften in thc othar.extreme position these opctiings are it
completely opened. The'mectranism operatiAg rtlast utrJ Jill Tstjng: shall be so dcsigned and usert lhflt tlre to,r4v{
of. the bollom and the wdls are apfrroxir$ately ths srnc. Oil
be of the sgring type and constructed so thaiwhefi at rest the

this account. it shall be no! less tlran 5 mnl thick. ll flarne,
thutter exaetly etoses the lhree openifigs" Vl.,lren the heated. the caging shall be dmigoed so that rhe produets
machanism is operated to the etfier cxtreme, the three cwer of
con*ustion of the fldfi€ cannot pass up and come into eontact
opdnings shall be exactly open and tho tip of the llams, whh the cup.
expeure-device {see 8.3.3} shafl ba fully depressod.
lf the air barh has an eleclrical-resislance elffint. it shalt be
oongtrucled so that all parls of rh? interio, surface are hp.ated
8.3.3 A flanre-expocure devicg having a tip with an opetdilg onitornty. The wslls and bollorn of tt]e sir birih shail l)e n{rt lr}ss
0.7 mm to 0,8 mm in diamakr, as shown in figure g.{. fhis tf
than 6 lrm thick.
ie made prelerably of stainless sreet, although othal euira$L
m.tals msy b€ used. The flame"exposure device shall bo The top plate shail be mrd€ o{ rnotal and mounted with
ped $irh sn operating mechanism radrich, whsn the shutrer an ai,
i, in gap ltetiveen it and the air bath, l( may be afached
the'"open" positim, depresses the rip so thar ihe c€nt e lid of to rhe air
bath-by nrears of three screws and spacing buehings. The
lho ori{ics is between ttre plaoes of rh6 lowcr and rrpper sur.
bushings shall bg of silrllicient thickness to deine an aiiesp
faces of the tid at a point on a radius passing through tire centr* oi
4,8 mm * 0,2 mm, and they shall be nor msa ftan g,S
of the targesi opening A {see figure 9.3}, ;; ;

ISO lng : 1988 (E)

O{rensFlls in nliliil!'cllr'q

Flotittlt *'-*-
el p6u.e d*is 1

- Oirttf,ce Piece I 9,5 ffir

'=* 16t cup

v He'tiosch.ns€r




or l€tt'hsndsd'
Lid asnlbly mav be poqhioned oiihs right'
HoTE -

Figun 8.1 - PBnsky'Mtrttns cloeed cup app6tatue


l$0 tlls: lg88 {El

o 503


-*l l

v s5[

Figure 8'3 - Lid
Fguro B'i - To3t cop
ISO 2719 : 1W lEl

Dimnsisns iil millimetre3

. olt
Fltne erF6ure dsice

\*61*."* g.g *rr.

Bim ol cuP *l'll be in contel with

inw {*o ol Sd throughdt its

i ${}35

Figure 8,4 - T63t cup and lid asscmblY


ISO ?/19 : 1988 lEl

Annex C

Adapter for low-range thermometer

C.f The lw.ralge lhcfmometer sha{ be suppfefflented by
an adapte. lsee {igure to be uscd in rhe larger-diamf;ter
colhr oi the Pensky-Mart€{ls appa.atus. Oiffererices in dimen-
6ion$ of th6s€ colla.s, wh;ch do not aftet t6t results, are s
sourm of unnecessary troublo to rnanufacursrs and suppliers
ot inttums0ts. as welJ as ro usars.
C,3 The length of the enlargement and the distance fronr
th€ bottom ot lh€ enlargenlent lo th€ b,ottorn ol the bulb stnlt
b9 rfieasurad with the test gtrg€ as shown in ligure C.2.

Dlmgnsi06 ;n ryiiirrutres

\t I

Clasp rot

Packing ring I


Pac*ing rhg Clamp nul {s{aiFless sr0elt t

AdaDtE t'
5i8. r8 UNF
il eXuivahnr li
Adrprd lbmlrl

Eoms lo suit tlBnnoffild grffi



Plcitnt ring! lstt dumlnium, fatr0l6 {rtainless rtaall

Flgure C.l - Dimrnsionr ol th.rmom€tsr adrpter. ferrula rnd pachlng ring

ISO rr19 : 1g&l lEl

Dirlsions in millifi8lres

i b..

chccking 6nl&g€mtnt! on tharmom6ts6

Figwe C.2 - Tett gttlgB lor

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