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NAME: Carmencita Recana___________________________________DATE:_9/21/2022__________

YEAR/SECTION:_1st BSED E/1A____________________ GRADE/SCORE:___________

Questions: 1. What are the stages of human development and its development tasks?

The stages of human development are infant development, toddler development, preschooler
development, middle childhood development, adolescent development and adult development. While
the development of infancy and early childhood are learning to walk, learning to take solid foods,
learning to talk, learning to control the elimination of body wastes, learning sex differences and sexual
modesty, forming concepts and learning language to describe social and physical reality, and getting
ready to read.

2. What happens when the expected development tasks are not achieved at the corresponding
developmental stage?

If the development task is not achieved at the corresponding developmental stage, it affects the child
growth. There are things that child may find hard or difficult because her growth and development are

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