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Regie sells a cookie that cost ₱ 11.00 each and he also charge ₱ 5.00 for the box of the cookies that can
hold as many as 36 cookies.

In this situation, we can create a linear function of f(x)=11x+5, where f(x) represents the total cost, x
represents the number of the cookies, while 11 and 5 represents the fixed cost of each cookies and the
box respectively.

Mathematical statement of the problem: f(x)=11x+5

If we graph the situation, we can clearly see the total amount needed if we order a certain number of a
cookies. Below is the graph of the problem.

Since the rate of change is constant,

we can conclude that this function
is linear.


x 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
f(x 16 27 38 49 60 71 82 93 104 115 126 137 148 15 170 181 192
) 9

18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33
203 214 225 236 247 258 269 280 291 302 313 324 335 346 357 368

34 35 36
379 390 401

Remember: x is equal to the number of cookies and f(x) is the total cost of the product.

If the number of cookies exceeds 36, a new set of solution will be implied.

f(x)=11x+10, if x={x|36<x≤72},

f(x)=11x+15, if x={x|72<x≤108},

f(x)=11x+20, if x={x|108<x≤144};

and so on…

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