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IELTS WORDS www.mypiebd.

1 Abate lessen
2 Abhor, Abhorrence hatred
3 Accost confront
4 Acumen insightfulness
5 Adept skillful
6 Amenable yielding
7 Amiable friendly
8 Anthropology study of human beings
9 Antipathy dislike
10 Arcane mysterious, known only by a few
11 Assail belittle
12 Assiduous diligent
13 Atrophy waste away
14 Aura air, feeling
15 Automaton a person who acts like a robot
16 Banal common
17 Belie give a false impression
18 Benevolent generous
19 Bequeath hand down (through a will)
20 Bog marsh, swamp
21 Bolster support
22 Boorish, Boorishness crude
23 Burgeon grow, flourish
24 Buttress support
25 Cajole coax
26 Capricious fickle
27 Castigate belittle
28 Caustic bitter
29 Censure scold
30 Cerebral intellectual
31 Charlatan swindler
32 Chastise belittle
33 Chide belittle
34 Circumscribe restrict
35 Circumvent escape, avoid
36 Complacency, Complacent self-satisfaction, smugness
37 Compliant, yielding
38 Confluence a place where things merge or flow together
39 Congenial pleasant
40 Conscientious careful
41 Contemptible despicable
42 Copious abundant
43 Corroborate strengthen or support with additional evidence
44 Culpable blameworthy
45 Cursory hasty, superficial
46 Dauntless courageous
47 Dearth scarcity
48 Decimate destroy
49 Decorum, Decorous order, politeness

50 Demure, overly modest

51 Depose dethrone, remove from power
52 Depravity moral corruption
53 Depriciation, Depreciatory decrease in value

54 Deride make fun of

55 Derivative not original
56 Derogatory, Derogate disparaging, belittling

57 Despondent sad, depressed

58 Destitute poor
59 Devoid lacking
60 Diffident, Diffidence shy

61 Digress(ion) stray from the subject at hand

62 Discern, Discerning perceive, perceptive

63 Discomfited disappointed, defeated

64 Discount (verb) insincere
65 Disheartening discouraging
66 Disingenuous insincere
67 Disparage belittle
68 Dispel to drive away or disprove
69 Disputatious quarrelsome
70 Disquiet(ing) (causing) anxiety
71 Disseminate scatter widely
72 Divergent different, conflicting
73 Divisive creating conflict
74 Divulge make known
75 Dupe deceive
76 Eclectic from diverse sources
77 Efface(ment) erase
78 Effervesce bubble, fizz
79 Elated, Elation joyful
80 Elicit bring about
81 Embroil(ed) involve in an argument or conflict
82 Empiric(al) based on observation and experiment (not theory)
83 Enigma(tic) mystery, mysterious
84 Enumerate list
85 Ephemeral short-lived
86 Epitome, Epitomize representative example

87 Equitable even-handed
88 Equivocal ambiguous
89 Excavate unearth, dig up
90 Exemplar representative example
91 Exhibitionist, Exhibitionistic deliberately behaving a certain way to attract attention

92 Exhort encourage
93 Faction group within a larger group
94 Fallacious deceitful, incorrect
95 Fanaticism excessive enthusiasm
96 Finesse tact, elegant skill
97 Flagrant evident, obvious
98 Foolhardy recklessly daring
99 Forlorn sad
100 Fortitude courage
101 Fraudulent deceitful
102 Frugal(ity) cheap(ness)
103 Furor commotion, anger
104 Furtive sneaky
105 Gait manner of walking
106 Gallant(ry) courageous
107 Genial friendly
108 Hackneyed common
109 Hamper (verb) hinder, restrict
110 Idyllic simply tranquil
111 Impasse obstacle
112 Imperious arrogant
113 Impetuous rash, passionate
114 Incriminate accuse someone of a crime
115 Incubate develop, grow
116 Indeterminate left doubtful, inconclusive
117 Indigenous native to a region
118 Indignant angered (by injustice)
119 Indiscriminate unselective, random
120 Indolent lazy
121 Ineffable impossible to express in words
122 Ingenuous unsophisticated and trusting, naïve
123 Inherent intrinsic, natural
124 Inhibit(ing) restrain(ing)
125 Innate intrinsic, natural
126 Innuendo implicit suggestion
127 Insolence, Insolent disrespectful

128 Instigate provoke, start

129 Irreverent, Irreverence disrespectful

130 Jaded tired, bored

131 Jocular cheerful
132 Judicious fair
133 Laggard lazy person
134 Latent, Latency the state of being not yet evident or active
135 Listless languid, sluggish
136 Lithe graceful, supple
137 Lucrative profitable
138 Lurid sensational, shocking
139 Luxuriant lush, elaborate
140 Maudlin overly sentimental
141 Melancholy bleak
142 Mercenary motivated by money
143 Mercurial fickle
144 Miserly cheap, stingy
145 Mitigate, Mitigator moderate, alleviate

146 Nebulous vague

147 Nefarious evil
148 Obstinate (Obstinancy stubborn(ness)

149 Onerous difficult, trying

150 Oversight mistake
151 Pacifist one who completely opposes violence
152 Pacify soothe, calm
153 Paradigm clear example
154 Parch make dry
155 Patronize financially support, be condescending towards
156 Pedant, Pedantic, a person who makes a great show of his knowledge

157 Peevish unpleasant

158 Penchant preference
159 Peripheral outermost, secondary
160 Perquisite additional payment, bonus
161 Philanthropist, Philanthropic someone who supports charity

162 Piety, Pious religious devotion

163 Plasticity malleability, the ability to be shaped or molded
164 Plausible, Plausibility likely true

165 Plethora, Plethoric surplus

166 Precarious dangerous, unstable

167 Preclude prevent
168 Precocious early development in maturity and intelligence
169 Presumptuous too bold, arrogant
170 Pretext misleading claim or appearance
171 Procure get or provide
172 Prodigious huge
173 Profound, Profundity intense, significant

174 Profuse, plentiful

175 Prohibitive, Prohibition restrictive

176 Proliferate, grow, increase

177 Propensity inclination, tendency
178 Proponent supporter
179 Prosaic lacking imagination, dull
180 Provident prudent, frugal
181 Provincial narrow-minded, unsophisticated
182 Pundit a knowledgeable commentator
183 Quell supress, quench
184 Ramshackel poorly constructed
185 Rancor(ous) bitter resentment
186 Ratify approve, confirm
187 Rampant unrestrained, growing
188 Ravenous insatiable, having a huge appetite
189 Raze destroy, demolish
190 Reap harvest, gather
191 Rebuttal defence, counterargument
192 Recant reject
193 Recluse, Reclusive hermit

194 Rectify, Rectitude put right, correct

195 Relegate demote

196 Relinquish give back
197 Renounce reject
198 Repertory collection
199 Reverent respectful, pious
200 Rhetoric(al), Rhetorician (related to) elegant speech/writing, elegant
201 Sanction (verb) formally approve
202 Sanctity holiness
203 Saturate flood soak
204 Scanty barely sufficient
205 Scathing harshly critical
206 Shrewd astute, smart
207 Shroud hide, obscure
208 Solace comfort, consolation
209 Solicitous(ness) expressing care or concern, often too much

210 Somber bleak

211 Beseech beg, plead with, ask for or request earnestly
212 Sporadic occurring at irregular intervals
213 Spurn reject with contempt
214 Squander waste
215 Stagnant, Stagnation not moving

216 Stark(ness) harsh, plain

217 Static (adjective) not moving

218 Staunch strong and loyal

219 Steadfast not yielding
220 Stupefy, Stupefication bewilder

221 Substantiate confirm, establish as genuine

222 Subversive one who intends to overthrow the government
223 Surfeit surplus
224 Temperamenta l moody

225 Temporize delay, evade

226 Tenacious, Tenacity stubborn, determined

227 Totalitarian undemocratic, rigid political control

228 Tractable easily managed or controlled
229 Treatise extensive written argument about some topic
230 Trepidation apprehension
231 Unbashed not embarrassed
232 Unfathomable incomprehensible, unbelievable
233 Ungainly clumsy
234 Unruly boisterous, unrestrained
235 Unwitting unintentional
236 Urbane elegant, sophisticated
237 Vacuous, Vacuity empty

238 Vapid dull, uninteresting

239 Venerable commanding respect because of age, dignity
240 Vicarious felt indirectly by imagining someone else's
241 Vigilant watchful, alert
242 Vindictive seeking revenge
243 Vindicate, Vindication clear of blame or suspicion

244 Vying striving

245 Waning lessening
246 Wayward selfish, stubborn
247 Zealot fanatic
248 Abject of the most contemptible kind
249 Abjure formally reject or disavow a formerly help belief
250 Abscond run away, often taking something or somebody along
251 Accost approach and speak to someone aggressively or
252 Affluent having an abundant supply of money or possessions
of value
253 Ambivalent uncertain or unable to decide about what course to
254 Amorphous having no definite form or distinct shape
255 Anathema a formal ecclesiastical curse accompanied by
256 Annex attach to
257 Antithesis exact opposite
258 Arbitrary based on or subject to individual discretion or
259 Arboreal of or relating to or formed by trees
260 Arcane requiring secret or mysterious knowledge
261 Bane something causing misery or death
262 Bereft sorrowful through loss or deprivation
263 Bilk cheat somebody out of what is due, especially money
264 Camaraderie the quality of affording easy familiarity and sociability
265 Candor the quality of being honest and straightforward
266 Carp any of various freshwater fish of the family Cyprinidae
267 Circumvent surround so as to force to give up
268 Clamor utter or proclaim insistently and noisily
269 Cognizant having or showing knowledge or understanding or
270 Academic related to school, relating to scholarly organization,
based on formal education
271 Aghast struck by shock, terror, or amazement
272 Agrarian pertaining to land or its cultivation, relating to
agricultural or rural matters
273 Akin of the same kin, related by blood
274 Alkali soda ash, caustic soda, one of a class of caustic
bases, such as soda, potash, and ammonia
275 Amalgamate combine, unite in one body, mix or alloy a metal with
276 Ambidextrous capable of using either hand with equal ease
277 Amorous moved by sexual love, loving
278 Augment make greater, as in size, extent, or quantity
279 Aver declare to be true
280 Azure sky blue or light purplish-blue
281 Austere strict or severe in discipline
282 Anarchy absence of governing body, political disorder and
283 Annuity periodical payment, amounting to a fixed sum in each
284 Banal obvious and dull, commonplace, lacking originality
285 Beget produce or give rise to
286 Becalm keep from motion, or stop progress of
287 Bemoan regret strongly or express disapproval of
288 Ballad popular kind of narrative poem, adapted for recitation
or singing
289 Benign kindly, favorable, not malignant
290 Desiccate remove the moisture from (something)
291 Chasten rid of excess, refine or purify, correct by punishment or
292 Clemency mildness, as of the weather or merciful, kind, or lenient
293 Cipher secret code, an Arabic numeral or figure, a number
294 Toady suck-up
295 Cogent powerfully persuasive
296 Beguile influence by slyness
297 Tangential digressive, irrelevant
298 Rescind annull, retract
299 Reticent, emotionally reserved
300 Fastidious careful
301 Desecration violate the sacredness of
302 Bipartisanship supported by two opposing groups (political parties)
303 Assuage relieve, appease
304 Attenuate weaken, reduce

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