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Past Tense of Be (Was-Were)

(Soru Kelimelerinin Geçmiş Zamanda TO BE fiiliyle Kullanımı)

Şimdi de belli başlıca soru kelimelerinin  geçmiş zamanda TO BE fiiliyle nasıl kullanıldığını
"Wh Questions" (Soru Kelimeleri İle Kurulan Soru Cümleleri)
 "Wh- Word" 
Was / Were Subject (Özne)
(Soru Kelimeleri)
was I
Where (Nerede) were you
was he
When (Ne zaman) was she

Why (Niçin) was it

were we
Who ( Kim ) were you
were they

Geçmiş zamanda kullanılan bazı zaman ibarelerini ve Türkçe karşılıklarını da aşağıdaki tabloda görebiliriz.

Past Tense with time expressions 

(Geçmiş Zamanda Kullanılan Zaman İbareleri)
Present Past Türkçe Karşılığı 
today yesterday dün
this morning yesterday morning dün sabah
this afternoon yesterday afternoon dün öğleden sonra
this evening yesterday evening dün akşam
tonight last night dün gece
this week last week geçen hafta
this month last month geçen ay
this year last year geçen yıl
now then o zaman (lar)

Aşağıdaki tabloda listelenen zaman ibareleri de geçmiş zamanda kullanılır.

Time Expression Türkçe Karşılığı
two weeks ago iki hafta önce
two months ago iki ay önce
two days ago iki gün önce
a year ago bir yıl önce

Varlık bildiren there is ve there are kalıplarındaki is ve are geçmiş zamanda 

(Simple Pest Tense) was ve were şeklini alır. Aşağıdaki tabloyu inceleyelim.  

SINGULAR There is There was
PLURAL There are There were

Examples About the Use of Was  and Were in Different Forms 

of Sentences 

(Değişik Cümle Yapılarında Was ve Were  Kullanımı İle İlgili Örnekler)

Positive and Negative Sentences

1) Peter was at the theatre.

2) Last June, I was in Europe.

3) Charlie Chaplin was film actor.

4) Albert Einstein was a scientist.

5) The meeting was at nine o'clock.

6) We were late yesterday morning.

7) We were at the cinema last night.

8) The weather was good yesterday.

9) Picasso and Van Gogh were artists.

10) I was in Ankara last week. I wasn't here.

11) Celal Bayar  and Turgut Özal were presidents.

12) Ömer and Pınar were happy after the meeting.

13) There weren't any cars in Rize one hundred years ago.

14) Ali was at school yesterday. But Ahmet wasn't with him.

15) Zeynep was in Izmir two weeks ago. He wasn't in Ankara. He was there.

 Questions and Short Answers 

1) Was Veli ill last week? Yes, he was.

2) Was the weather nice? No, it wasn't.

3) Were you at school yesterday? Yes I was.

4) Was the play last night? No. It was last Friday.

5) Were you  at the picnic on Saturday? Yes, I was.

6) Were you at the meeting yesterday?  Yes, I was.

7) Were we in France two years ago? Yes, we were.

8) Were Kemal and Aylin in college last year? Yes, they were. 

9) Was Hakan at home last night? No, he wasn't. He was at the garage.

10) Was there a footbal match on television yesterday? No there wasn't.

Mixed Examples About Past Form of Verb TO BE 

(TO BE Fiilinin Geçmiş Zamandaki Çekimi ile İlgili Karışık Örnekler)

1) Ayşe was happy.                                     2) Ali was a mechanic.                                

3) The lawyer was late.                               4)The boys were ready.                            

5) The chairs were green.                           6) Mrs.  Yılmaz  was a nurse.                   

7) The examples were easy.                      8) The service at the hotel was good.

Question And Short Answers (Soru ve Kısa Cevaplar)

 1) Was the food good? No, it wasn't.

2) Were they happy then? No, they weren't.

3) Was the news good yesterday? Yes, it was.

4) Were the shops expensive? Yes, they were.

5) Were the museums open? No,  they weren't.

6) Were the workers tired last night? Yes, they were.

Comparison of  Verb TO BE in Present and Past Simple

(TO BE Fiilinin Geniş ve Geçmiş Zamandaki Çekimlerinin Karşılaştırması)

1) The cat was on the chair but it is under the table now.

2) The birds were in the cage but they are out of cage now.

3) The children were in the class but they are at home now.

4) The house is clean now.  Was it clean yesterday? 

     Yes, it  was.

5) Richard is in class now.  Was he in class yesterday? 

    Yes, he was.

6) Jane is a reporter now.  Was she a reporter last year? 

    No, she wasn't.

7) The teachers are at the meeting now. Were they at the meeiting last  week?

      No, they weren't.

8) It is midnight now. The children are in bed. 

They were in the living room three hours ago.

9) It is Mnoday today. Ali and Ahmet are at work. 

It was Sunday yesterday and they were at home.

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