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Run, run, run . . .

but where?

A YOUNG woman told us she felt like a water boy for her husband, a fellow who does
nothing but run, run, run after success. The word “relax” isn’t in his dictionary.

Now, we’d be the last to look down our noses at ambition, yet his wife says he’s often as
skittish as a colt in a thunderstorm. Yells at the children. Tosses half the night. Yet, in the
morning can hardly drag himself from bed. Gulps cup after cup of coffee to keep up the pace.

There are millions of men who behave like this, but more pointedly, might not the man
described above be YOU at times? Yes, YOU!

Do you find that as the days, months and years go by, you’re becoming more jumpy,
nervous, irritable, hard to live with?

You see, it just doesn’t occur to the average person that anything as simple as the caffeine
habit may have a marked effect on the way he feels, but . . .

Your doctor would tell you that, for some people, the caffeine in coffee (or tea) is one of
the worst offenders against the delicate nervous system.

It is a strong stimulant which when used regularly, several times a day, year in and year
out, may make you constantly nervous and irritable.

But, if this habit has a strong hold on you, here’s hope:

You simply switch from caffein-heavy drinks to a new and wonderful hot beverage—
Imitation Coffee Flavor Instant Postum, now available for the first time.

There isn’t a taut nerve, a sleepless hour or a headache in it because it doesn’t have a
speck of caffeine.

You owe it to yourself and to your family to try this wonderful, caffein-free beverage not
just once, but for 30 consecutive days.

Of course, if you’re one of the many people who don’t care for the taste of coffee,
remember that regular Instant Postum is still available. Your grocer has both.

Don’t let another day go by without giving Instant Postum a fair 30-day trial. See if you
don’t feel better! Act better! Look better!
The Instant Postum Beverages are fine products of General Foods and Postum is a
registered trade-mark.

297—General Foods

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