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Feel “guilty” about

your appetite?
Sugar can help
you control it!
Your appetite is directly related to your body’s need for energy
Sugar supplies energy—satisfies appetite faster than any other food
By helping to overcome hunger that leads to overeating,
sugar can save you more calories than artificial sweeteners

“Scientific Nibbles” —a new way to more effective weight control

Weight control is a lot easier and more likely to be permanent when your diet includes sugar.

A teaspoonful of sugar supplies only 18 calories. But these quick energy calories may
make it much easier to stay satisfied on less food.

The body’s most basic need is for energy. Energy to work, to play, to act . . . to keep the
heart beating. This energy comes from sugar in the blood stream, which in turn, comes from

This need for energy is so constant that nature protects your brain and your body against
a shortage. Research at leading universities has shown that when your blood sugar level is low
you get hungry.

The fastest way to raise your blood sugar level, to supply quickly available energy and to
satisfy appetite, is to eat or drink something that contains sugar.

That’s why many of the newer diets often include a sugar-containing snack or beverage
between meals to keep hunger from building up. A leading authority on nutrition calls these
“Scientific Nibbles.”

By helping to curb a runaway appetite, sugar makes it easier to turn down the oversize
portions and second helpings that are the real cause of overweight.

Artificial sweeteners, in pills or any other form, supply no energy. They only stimulate
the sense of taste without helping to satisfy appetite.

The satisfaction you get from using sugar is important in all your meals. It is especially
important when you’re planning a reducing diet that you can stick to.


New York 5, New York
300—Sugar Information Inc. Feel Guilty About Your Appetite

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