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To the 25 million Americans who want to lose weight…

and the 15 million who need to gain some…

corrective dieting begins with

The Weight-Control Law

that Works Both Ways

A SEEMING paradox of weight control is that certain of the very same foods must be
included in the daily diet of those who want to take pounds off…and those who need to put
pounds on.

These “gain-or-lose” foods include meant, milk, eggs . . . and oatmeal . . . all of them
high in valuable, body-building, energy-producing protein.

Protein for Losing: Protein is the food element which acts as the body’s automatic
hunger control. In general, the higher the protein content of your food, the longer it takes for
hunger to reappear. When the body’s blood-sugar level remains high enough, the “appetite” is
inactive. Protein raises the blood-sugar level, and holds it above the hunger line for longer
periods of time than other food elements do.

The practical value of a high protein diet for overweight people is this ability of protein to
cut down their hunger . . . while supplying the strength and energy they need. For example, a
bowl of hot oatmeal, with sugar and milk included, contains only 210 calories . . . yet supplies 9
grams of protein. This is the secret behind that “stick-to-the-ribs” feeling that lasts all morning
long after an oatmeal breakfast.

So, if either kind of weight-control problem exists at your house, remember that delicious
hot oatmeal for breakfast can help to correct it.

Whole-grain oatmeal is a rich natural source of vitamins and minerals, as well as protein.
Helps you start the day off enjoyably, and keeps you going strong all morning.

Quick Quaker Oats has a creamy smoothness you will like, and requires only 1 minute of
actual cooking. And the same goes for Quick Mother’s Oats, or Mother’s Premium Oats.

If you prefer the flavor and texture of old-style oatmeal, be sure to try Old Fashioned
Quaker or Mother’s Oats.


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