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Tomi Juliadi

Assignment Topic 5

1. Identifying main ideas. Look at back the reading and match each main idea below to the
paragraph number 1 until 7

1. Paragraph 4
2. Paragraph 2
3. Paragraph 3 4. Paragraph 7
5. Paragraph 6

2. Identifying key details. Read each statement below. Then circle T for True and F for false
according to the reading

1. True
2. False
3. False
4. True
5. True
6. False

3. Personalizing. Answer the following questions:

1. OLED Technology. Because, when at home, we will never be bored, whenever we
want we can change the color and pattern on the walls of the house and also windows that can
adapt according to temperature or circumstances, it’s very nice to have it.
2. Yes, of course. Automatic cloth drying technology. When the day is dry or hot, the
tool will automatically go to the hot direction, and when the day is humid or rainy, the tool
will return to the inside


1. Engineers = Subject, They = subject pronoun

2. Robot or Wakamaru = Object, It = Object Pronoun

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