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For a fact, it is very difficult to predict the long-run

effects of COVID-19 on GHG emissions throughout

the world considering the rapid mutations in virus
and how the extent of vaccination will bring the
pandemic under control (Gautam and Hens, 2020).
However, it is being estimated that in the short run
(by 2025), the COVID-19 and response measures
would cause regional decline in the GHG emissions
in almost all the countries (OECD, 2021). More
interestingly, the GHG emissions and material use
in India will also face large reductions in India
owing to the influence of energy systems. On the
other hand, by the year 2040, both reduced GHG
emissions and economic losses will be partly faded
away globally with some significant lessons from the
pandemic. Particularly, the regions with
Organization for Economic Co-operation and
Development (OECD) will continue to outstrip
gross domestic product (GDP) impacts with reduced
emissions level due to specialized economies with
clean sectors ascribed to the COVID-19 pandemic
and response measures. To summarize, the real-
time evaluation of the impacts of COVID-19
pandemic on GHG emissions is far from being
possible with the current disaster of epic proportion
and great complexity.

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